Future Economists

Seeds of future prosperity lies in today's children,
Let's join our hands to nurture the seed,
To its fullest growth,
for the greater welfare of Society.
Let's be united to remove the
poverty and corruption.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mervyn King says pay squeeze necessary


  1. hello sir, long time no see..remember me?? hehehe...

    I wanna ask something...
    what is a "double dip recession"???

    then, you know about the monetary crisis in 1997, which cause dollar prices to rise from $1=Rp2300 to $1=Rp9000 right???

    since then, dollar prices had been fluctuating about the same place..
    does this means that the inflation cause due to it had never been solved?? or it had worsened???

    also, what is actually the main reason for the GLOBAL inflation now adays??? does exhaustion in raw materials such as oil one of the main, or minor reason???

    may I have ur email address??

  2. Yes i remember you, How can i forget my best student?
    my email is bipinkala@yahoo.com any email site with my name.
    Double dip recession is term explaining a situation when recession comes again. Actually for the first time govt. expenditure covers the recession by providing subsidies and rise in public expenditure but when these measures are stopped market plunged back to recession again.

    correct Rp fall from 2300 to 16000per dollar and the reason are many: You read class 11 economics book page 121 (The South East Asia crisis) Collin Bamford book.
    its Rp fluctuating not dollar and it all depend upon the market conditions like inflation, exports, imports, FDI and govt policies.
    There is no global inflation there are many countries where problem of deflation is there. In Maximum countries especially European there stability in inflation.
    There is no exhaustion of raw material new efficient techniques come and produce more efficiently, and world is exploring other untapped resources also.

  3. i m extremely sorry for the late reply.
