Future Economists

Seeds of future prosperity lies in today's children,
Let's join our hands to nurture the seed,
To its fullest growth,
for the greater welfare of Society.
Let's be united to remove the
poverty and corruption.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Debate: Government and rural - Urban development 


Government plays important role in the allocation of resources. In underdeveloped countries resources are scarce but the demand for them is very high from the urban as well as from the rural areas. In terms contribution to the national income, urban areas are at higher level,  very high then for the rural area. In that scenario misallocation of resources may have negative impact on the economic growth of the country.

 Assuming that you are playing a role of  chairman of  the planning commission 

write an essay on the allocation of resources for rapid economic growth of the country for Urban or rural areas.
Consider who might benefit from an urban development project. "

Time Duration for submitting the Article is 

February 25 to 3 March,  2013 

Girls will write in favour of rural areas (villages, undeveloped regions of countries)
Boys will write in the favour of urban areas (cities, capital, developed regions).
God bless you.

Write your opinion here in 750 Words. [20 Marks]
Please read rubrics and check that have you followed the rubrics for high score.
Referencing at the bottom will give added marks to candidates.
"Marks allocation will be in accordance to the Rubrics"

Monday, February 25, 2013

Debate: Public sector and resource allocation


"Public sector can allocate national resources most efficiently"

Time Duration for submitting the Article is 

February 25 to 3 March,  2013 

Girls will write against the motion 
Boys will write in the favour of motion.
God bless you.

Write your opinion here in 750 Words. [20 Marks]
Please read rubrics and check that have you followed the rubrics for high score.
Referencing at the bottom will give added marks to candidates.
"Marks allocation will be in accordance to the Rubrics"

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Debate: Rise in population and Economic Development 


" An increase in the population of a country should always be regarded as undesirable "

Time Duration for submitting the Article is 

February 18 to 24 February,  2013 

Girls will write against the motion 
Boys will write in the favour of motion.
God bless you.

Write your opinion here in 500 Words. [20 Marks]
Please read rubrics and check that have you followed the rubrics for high score.
Referencing at the bottom will give added marks to candidates.
"Marks allocation will be in accordance to the Rubrics"

Monday, February 18, 2013

Government Vs Monopolies


Government should play more active role in implementing the policies maintained by Monopolies Restrictive Trade Practices Act.  Discuss.

Time Duration for submitting the Article is 

February 18 to 24,  2013 

Girls will write in the favour of motion 
Boys will write against the motion.
God bless you.

Write your opinion here in 500 Words. [20 Marks]
"Marks allocation will be in accordance to the Rubrics"

Friday, February 08, 2013

Report Writing

Visting 7/ 11 Tanjung Duren

For Grade 9 Business

Topic: How the business module of 7 / 11 is different from other competing businesses?

Write a report in 200 words.

Small firms Vs Giant Firms

Topic: For Grade 10B_New

Is the Presence of Giant firm is dangerous for the growth of small firms? Discuss

Time Duration for submitting the Article is 

February 11 to 17,  2013 

Girls will write against the motion 
Boys will write in favour of the motion.
God bless you.

Write your opinion here in 500 Words. [10 Marks]

Debate: Poverty and Government

Topic: For Grade  9B_Penabur

Is government responsible for a wide spread poverty in the country?

Time Duration for submitting you view  is: 

February 11 to 17,  2013 

Girls will write against the motion 
Boys will write in favour of the motion.
God bless you.

Write you opinion here in 500 Words. [10 Marks]

Friday, February 01, 2013

Debate: Multinational companies can reduce the Poverty in LEDC's.

 Multinational companies can efficiently reduce the lavel of poverty in the Least Developing countries.

Time Duration for submitting the Article is 
February 10,  2013 sunday
Girls will write against the motion 
Boys will write in favour of the motion.
God bless you.

Write you opinion here in 500 Words. [10 Marks]

Debate: Multinational companies


 Multinational companies are always advantageous to the host country.
Time Duration for submitting the Article is 
February 3,  2013 sunday
Boys will write against the motion 
Girl will write in favour of the motion.
God bless you.

Write you opinion here in 500 Words. [10 Marks]