Future Economists

Seeds of future prosperity lies in today's children,
Let's join our hands to nurture the seed,
To its fullest growth,
for the greater welfare of Society.
Let's be united to remove the
poverty and corruption.

Monday, November 21, 2011

FDI: Nuclear Power Plant

Topic : Investment on Nuclear Power Plant in Indonesia
Group A: CEO Mr. Johan
                GM1 Miss. Eunike and GM2 Mr. Nicolas
                JEN Multinational Company
                New York, USA.

Group B: Government Representatives
                Mr. Randy (Power Minister)
                Miss Sandra, Miss Jesslyn (Minister of State)

Group C: Save Indonesia (Enironmentatlists)
                CEO. Mr. James
                Dr. Miss Princilla (Nuclear Scientist)
                Dr. Lydia (Expert Nuclear Waste Disposal)


  1. Dear Students,
    Present your arguments supported by facts, evidences and references. This activity will award you marks out of 100.

  2. Hi sir. I'm johan and my email account is Johan.tanan @gmail.com

  3. Hi Johan,
    i send you invitation to become editor on this blog. welcome in discussion.

  4. Corporate Argument
    We as the Corporate believe the action of implementing nuclear power on indonesia is the best action. Nuclear power will provide enormous power source with so little and so lot benefits for the society. Nuclear power is by far the most power supplying fuel and only create really tiny pollution. The construction of the nuclear power plan itself would bring a lot of job for the unemployed, giving the government time to figure out other job for the temporary worker. Although the construction need nuclear expert team, but minimal number of them is needed for the construction. The equipment itself is fragile so it leave job opportunity for the jobless to take role as a watcher on latter day of operation. Other than the employment opportunity, we also decide to invest on indonesia, creating a strong alliance between indonesia and our country. The investment itself valued at 10 million dollar US, showing our willingness to have indonesia develop and showing our good incentive on world economy. You government, citizen, environmentalist only need to imagine how beneficial this money is for your development. Surely there are no argument against us as we show our goodwill by providing this technology and our quality assurance on any accident. If this is not enough, we will also fund education and human development, to show our corporate responsibility and our realization on human development as a way to help your country grow and to show how good is our corporate responsibility is. If this is still unsatisfactory for you government and citizen, think about the benefit of cheap electricity for development of business and education. Think of the assurance and comfort, knowing that your electricity would not goes off suddenly. Think of world of more, coming from cheap electricity. Education, entertainment, business, and much more.
    We'll end our argument now. Comment and critics are welcomed of course.

  5. we agree with you, as you invest 10 million US dollar to our country, we can use that large amount of money for the good of our people. They can get a higher living standard, better public facilities, better education,etc. It also may cause poverty to decrease. We will give free education to those who can't afford their school fees and give subsidies for them to get a better life. we also will provide money for people who want to set up a new business, because it's good that it will help out aim of decreasing unemployment. It also good to have nuclear power for making electricity. it can be used for a really long time and it provide a very big supply of electricity. People who can't afford to pay for electricity will be helped by us because the electricity supply is from nuclear which is cheaper. So all people can use electricity for their activity. it will increase their standard of living.

  6. Good Randy,
    You have explained aptly the objectives of the government.
    Note: The quality of the writing increases significantly if they are supported by theories, facts and evidence in the light of references.

  7. The idea from the multinational company seems good as they invest US$10 million. It will provide more electricity as said above.
    But we have reason against it. First, the risk is very high and nuclear power plant accident can be fatal as happened in Japan. The accident cause death and radioactive pollution. The fuel for the plant is nuclear mineral such as uranium, which is hard to get and there arent much available. The construction and operation of this nuclear power plant will need experts that our country lacks, so most of the workers is not local workers but foreign workers. In turn, nearly no local worker is employed.
    We do respect your goodwill, but does it have any strings attached? This sounds good in the start, but when any bad thing happens, no one will claim to be responsible. There is one unclear point: how will you manage the nuclear waste from the power plant? Will you just throw it away?
    For the government, we do like your objectives and hope it can be realized. But in the practice, the phrase "for the good of our people" means only some of the chosen that enjoys the money, as government officials have really high corruption. We suggest government to use the money for investing other infrastructure. We rejects the nuclear power plant because we love our environment and want to live in peace without worries of nuclear accident.
