Future Economists

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Debate: Trade Unions should be banned.

Debate : last date 16 Nov for submission.
Boys will write in favour 
Girl will write against the motion.
God bless you.

Write you opinion here in 500 Words. [10 Marks]

10 B New IGCSE Students.
1) Your text book.
2) Here in this blog click on tag trade union
3) Search on google
4) Some movies on youtube. You can find some selected one on my channel in youtube by click on link below

Link movies in trade union movement: 


  1. Trade union is an organization of workers that have purpose of improving their wages and working condition. Trade union bargains with the employers on the members behalf, this negotiating process also known as collective bargaining.

    Trade union will negotiate about their wages/working condition with employers if there is a price inflation, other groups of workers have received pay rises, new machinery have been introduced in the workplace, labour productivity has increased, profits of the employing organization have increased.

    However, some negotiation between employers and unions may fail to end in agreement. If the negotiation fails to end in agreement, the trade union/workers may do disruptive industrial action, such as strike, demonstration, overtime ban, work to rule, go-slow. This may cause some losses for employers, because they may lose output. If the company doesn’t make any profit, they would not be able to pay taxes, so government revenue will decrease. And if the losses happen to a big companies that employ many workers, such as cigarette companies, government tend to help and support the companies to prevent unemployment if the companies are bankrupt, the support may require a lot of money which would increase government spending. Because of this disruptive industrial action, consumers may be unable to obtain the goods and services they need. For example like airways company, if their workers refuse to work or doing strike, the company may cancel the flight and that would influence all of the flights attendance. The demonstration of the trade union could raise traffic jam, which would be a disadvantage for society.

    By doing this disruptive industrial action, some company may agree with the trade union to increase wages/working condition. If company agree with the trade union, this may increase the company cost. If the company cost increase, they tend to raise the prices as well. Consumers may suffer because of price rises. If the cost are high, company may also consider to reduce their cost by cut some of the job. However, this will increase the number of unemployment. It’s better if all workers are employed even with low wage rather than unemployment.

    Trade union may refuse to some of the government decision, example like reducing the pension fund or raise in the retirement age. Government do this to reduce public expenditure. If the trade union keep forcing government to cancel their decision, and government agree with them. Government spending would be high and there may be other important things that can’t be financed. For example like in Indonesia, government want to rise the petrol price. Trade union refuse to the decision and did demonstration. However, if the government keep the petrol price at that level, government spending on petrol subsidies can’t be reduced to allocate the funds into other sector, such as road, education, health care.

    So, trade union should be banned. Otherwise, some of their disruptive industrial action could bring a negative result to the society. If there is no trade union, workers may not have enough power to bargaining with the employers/government and to force the employers/government.

    Charles Jiunardy 10 Business New

  2. Trade union is an organization whose membership consists of workers and union leaders ,united to protect and promote their common interest
    I think banning of trade unions will not be wise decisions ,because they are the medium of communication for a large pool of employees ,particularly laborers ,wage earners and other section of employee who don't have a large influential power on management .Trade unions are helpful to protecting the socio-economic condition of workers, also platform where workers can represent their issues,problems &demands .
    There should be some policy to be adopted by government limiting the activity of trade union .Trade unions also good for economic development of a firm.Because if there's good trade union ,the workers can interact with the head of the firm more effectively .Trade union is a intermediate between the workers and employees and an easy way to solve the consequense and easy way to put their demand in front of management ,so that there will be no effect on the position of company .Trade union is a weapon of workers. Whenever industrial authority tortures workers to work inhumanly and deprive them from their financial support ,due to social and financial impact of the management authority If workers are deprive of their financial justice ,their children will suffer from lack of nutrition ,education ,food ,clothes ,etc.

    Workers also have their right to protest against injustice besides growth of economy doesn't mean only growth of the financial garner country as well as people from the upper rankof society .It is because government of the people ,by the people,for the people if ,the people from different sector can live with financial support all of society life will prosperous without regardless pf financial status .Workers may have various issues related to the work and is it not possible for the management to reach every workers .So ,if the trade union is banned ,then the workers won't be able to put their problems which may result in dissatisfaction in doing work,resulting in the loss of profitability of the company.If ,the trade union are increasing in size therefore its not possible for management to approach every problems of employee to solve their grievances and therefore trade union are suitable platforms.If the management can approach what employees and workers want ,there will be good relationship between management and trade unions ,and an organization .

    So trade union are necessary for the protection of their workers but they should know their limit and they should also work for protection of company right .And employers also understand the requirement of their workers and maintain the fair wage policy so both should do their business with mutual understanding by take and give wise policy
    If the trade union is really doing there own work then its definitely very good for the success of employee as well industry

    -angraini natalia-
    10 bus

  3. Trade union is an organization that joined together with the workers to protect the jobs of those workers, such as the wages of the laborers that should be given to the workers according to the working hours and working conditions of workers with a good security job.

    With the trade union they can negotiate with employers to negotiate employment contracts of the workers. Negotiations include wages and work rules.Workers should be protected from the employer who do not responsible. Workers work in companies or factories with a long working time. But they only get low wages and the wages are not in accordance with their working hours.

    The problems are also faced by the workers is about workers outsourcing. workers outsourcing condition in which the labours working in the company 1 that give a worker for another company or manufacturing , but they will actually work in the company 2 as companies that use the workers. But even where these workers work at company 2 but the workers get the payment from the company 1 and company 2 give the rewards to the company 1 because they already give workers to be employed. Usually the typically wages from the company 1 lower than company 2, and because that reasons the workers rejected the workers outsourcing. And organizations that can protect workers from that incident only trade union.

    If the unions get banned then welfare would be in danger and workers would do protest again. If the workers held demonstrations and labor strikes or even something more serious is the riot that means they do not do the usual activities and production will stop. If the production of that goods stops then the company will lose their money and supply of manufactured goods declined, but when supply decreases demand of goods will continue to increase which makes the demand increases. If this situation happened then the demand will increase and supply will decrease, if the demand is greater than supply, the price of goods will increase and the price is more expensive than the usual. When the demand is greater from the market the scarcity of goods will happened.

    I disagree if the trade unions were banned or deleted. Trade union is very important for the welfare of the workers. If the welfare of the workers maintained there will be a harmonious relationship between workers with the company. If the relationship is well maintained that they can make good decisions in every problems and there is no rioting or demonstrations and worker's strikes that workers doing to complete the issue of wages or outsourcing. If the workers are no longer doing demonstrations and labor strikes, the production of their place of work will not be stopped and running smoothly. The company also will not experience losses and most importantly there will be no scarcity of goods.

    So the trade unions should not be eliminated and banned. To create a good relationship between labor and the company had to build good communication and pay attention to the lives of workers by providing a wage equal work done by them and give job security for employees. If the connection is broken will affect the demand and supply of the goods that produced.

    - Maria Prabella M 10BN -

    1. Good work Maria, you pointed communication among the union and management is better.

  4. Trade Union is an organization that involves employees which agree to do some action to achieve the common goals of workers such as: job security, health and safety care, higher salary and etc.

    In Indonesia there are many trade union like Confederation of All Indonesian Trade Unions, Democracy Federation of Indonesian Workers Union and many more. As we see nowadays, many trade union started to grow or expanding their existing trade union. This could be a serious problem for companies, when something happen to them then they can attack the company with all trade unions in that region.

    Actually, trade union is a place where workers put out their mind and creativity to protect them, the common objective of all trade union is to improving and maintaining the working conditions of their members. There are other objectives of trade union and it's depend on the trade union such as: holiday entitlement, developing the skills, higher salary, reduce the industrial injuries and accidents, they want to prevent job cuts and others.

    Employees that involved in trade union can do some action to defend if the company job cutting them, reduce their wages and etc. The employees can do some disruptive things to make the company agree. If the employees ask for higher salary or other objectives to the company and they disagree to satisfy it, they can slow down their working, demonstration even do a strike to the company and of course the employees will ask for their trade union to do those things. By the disruption, the company may agree or remain disagree to satisfy their employees wants and trade union may make more disruption to the company until they agree.

    Therefore, trade union should be banned. If they aren't banned they can make some bad things happen in a region and it's bad for the company and if it's a very serious problem, the employees can ask for government intervention in their problem and it can make the company can't operate anymore in a region or country, but if government take out some decisions to reconcile the employees with the company and the employees not agree with government decision they can strike the government too.

    The employees can ask for other trade union to join with them and do a bigger demonstration to the company to agree with their decision. At this level, the company may started to agree with them because it's already excessive. Suddenly, after the company agree they closed their business because their revenues it isn't exceed their costs or expenditure and then the company do the job cuts and the employees can't work in that company.

    The unemployment will happen, those all things are trade union's mistakes make the company bankrupt and make the national unemployment increase. When it happens the employee that involved in the trade union may out of the trade union and the trade union will be closed and rather than closed like that better the trade union banned and the bad things can be decrease in a company and country.

  5. Trade Union is an organization that supports for employees against the low wages and discrimination to employees. Trade Union will also train workers so they will have skills and bargaining technique to bargain wages with employer.
    By doing so, employees usually will pay to the trade union for their support on doing demonstrations. It is because trade union will protect their members-the employees from dangers.
    However, in the same manner this can be disruptive to entrepreneur or government. Trade union had caused a lot of trouble. Because when their wants is not fulfilled by either entrepreneur or government they will do some abusive action and destroy environments.
    When they do collective bargaining they will stop working which will affect many aspect of business. For example the transportations will be on delay, slow production or go-slow, work to rule, or even a strike. The statement collective bargaining is the words when the employees are negotiating over pay and working conditions. Strike is one of the way employees to do industrial action this will put pressure on government and business. When the government doesn’t response to the employees, they will do an abusive strike which is attacking the government’s place or caused a lot of traffic jams on the road by burning a tire.
    If the company does arbitration to fulfill their wants such as increase in wages or increase in working conditions. It would impact the company’s profit because a lot of cost would be needed to pay. When the cost rises, business can’t take a hold on them because in a mean time they could make losses.. Since no more money can be used to pay the workers and company must do cut jobs that will increase unemployment or the consumers will suffer of the increase in prices of goods and services.
    Producers want to have profit maximization by reducing cost and increasing revenue. If the strike happens they can’t expand their business and they will go bankruptcy and everyone in the company is fired which means unemployment increases.
    In the same manner, if government arbitration their wants they will increase cost and they can’t allocate their resources on health care or even education. If that happens, they will force to increase taxes on company and community.
    Government wants to use less cost so they can allocate more for their citizens. When the cost of wages increases the government also needs to cut jobs and that will increase more unemployment to the country.
    By the increase of unemployment the trade union will strike again but the government and businesses already make losses and they can’t pay for the workers. This will be bad for both sides.
    It is why Trade Union must be banned. Their action can affect both sides to become worst. Industrial action is dangerous to government, business, and even citizens. The demonstration always took place on the roads or any government area. It caused a lot of traffic jams for people who are going to school or work place. Trade union has a very significant large number when they’re combined together in one place. It could cause a massive damage to the environment. Customers could also get the disadvantage of it.

    -Leonardo Marcellino 10 BN

  6. Trade union is an organization of workers that gather together to achieve better working condition or to increase their wages. I don’t agree if government should banned trede union because first with trade union workers can prevent job cut , now adays many company arbitraly cut their workers job because probably they want to reduce their cost of production and increasing their sales revenue , if this kind of condition happen trade union or workers can negotiate with their company or management to handle this condition.Second because they want certain traning from company so with trade union they can negotiate with their company or management to give them certain training ,if the employees get certain training their skill will increase and also will helps company to produce more efficient,accurate,and can increase their sales revenue because of skillfull workers.Third with this organization workers can increase their wages many factors that made them want to increase their wages first if workers already gave their best productivity to company but their wages not increasing or if workers work for many hours and their overtime wages low they can negotiate this too because if they work more (quality of labour) their leisure time will decreasing . Forth to improving their working conditions there two types of working conditions there are physical condition and mental condition , if physical condition is about place their work on , they can complain or negotiate if the place are not comfortable like if the company don’t provide complete working equipment so they cannot work well , and mental condition is like employees can complain if they get terror or dangerous things but nowadays so many employeer torture their employee , this kind of condition is happening around us and mostly happening in Arab , with trade union they can defend each other so this condition will not happening very often.Fifth with this organization workers can have their pension funds , many old people don’t get pension funds after retirement this cannot be continued because after retirement they won’t have any job if government dooesn’t provide pensions fund how they can pay for their living cost ,their left over money will be decreasing everyday if they don’t get pesoins fund there will be a day they don’t have any money if this is happening they cannot buy any food or water especially for poor people ,so the amount of poor people will increasing , also the amout of death and sick people will increasing also . If trade union negotiate with company or management is not working they will do strike or demonstration. If workers get well training so the producing process can run well and company will produce output more and can get more profit co from this condition company demand for labour will increasing and the amount of unemployment people will be decreasing and company will hire more this means if the company have many kabour menas they have to pay payroll taxes more and government income can increasing , so i think government shouldn’t banned trade union with this organization workers can be more safe and can protect each other and they have right to give their opinion .
    -Evelyn.k.- 10bn

  7. A trade union is an organization of workers who defends for the rights of the labours, achieving a better payment for the labours, and a good working condition for them. Somehow, trade union has been developed rapidly in some countries. And im agree with the statement that trade union should be banned. Because of the existing of trade union. Society and the government will be unsecure.
    its also bad for the business that hire a lot of labours. Because trade union members will be stop working, they stop working because they feel unfair. So companies that must have a lot of labours to run the business are not able to run the business because there is no one that work at the companies.
    Other than that labours in the city will do strike and demonstration until they get what they want. They do this because of many cases , like their wages are low , bad working condition , unfair treatement , etc. So it will be very dangerous to society and if the government not do any action. The country will be in chaos because of mad labours.
    If its keep continued there will be many side that have a lot of loss. Because many companies can’t run their business because the companies does not have enough workers. So production in the companies will be decrease. However people steel need goods for their daily living. The government will also have a loss because many of the employers especially the one from abroud will move their business to another country because of their loss and they will also stop their payment to government taxes and also they will damage the public facilities.
    In the other cases if the employers agree with the trade union to raise their wages. Directly the cost of the production will also be increase and price of the goods in the market will be raise too. This causes the inflation in the country , so the one who get the impact of the inflation not only the labour but also the society.
    Sometimes trade union doesn’t know whats the problem or their economic condition. They only think for themselves. On the other hand their still other major problem that the government must be concern to.
    In this era , technology already move forward , if the labours keep doing this. There will be a lot of companies fire their labours and change it into machines. Because machine is faster and more efficient than labours. So many labours will be unemployed because for their mistakes.
    So the trade union must be banned because its causes so many bad influence to government and society. Especially the business in the country. That’s all that I want to delivered to you. Thank you very much.
    Richard DS / 10 BN

  8. Trade union is a group of workers who promotes and protect the interest of it members, to protect the economic condition of the workers through collective action. Improve the labor’s wages or salaries and the better working of conditions for employees, including working safety secure, working rules and regulations etc.
    The trade union exist because with just an individual worker, he or even she has least of power to influencing to others the decisions that are made about their job so by joining all together with other workers, there is more chance, a great opportunity of having a big voice and influences because negotiating with trade unions, (individual union) will saving time and cost rather than dealing with all employees alone, individually.
    However, this trade union has destructed the employees authority to work and also through this it may destroy the development of their country as we can see this far, this resulted from leaders that have selfish personal character and they don't work for the general members. The members are forced to do their working according what are their ideas by not caring the workers opinion, they are easily manipulated to do by not also pay attention what they are doing is right decision or even worse it is wrong. More over it is because of these trade unions that we get so many transport strikes.
    However, the trade union shouldn’t be banned because all members in it are all play a large part of the economy and they now exist to prevent these unfair of the business company and other issues that related to the employees legislation. This is because, they also have their rights to protest and demonstrate against injustice, there is certain limit at which they all should be able to protest, if they have to do so. Give the workers options for where they think are the best for them. Moreover, now the trade union is the important players in industrialized world that their relation atmosphere is now depend on the trade union activism.
    Meanwhile, employees may have various of issues that related to their job, they are the ones who let their management to do about their workers while managers will try to solve these problems which are in turn leads to efficiency in the work, which overall will lead to the growth of the company, but the management itself is not possible to handle and reach every each all of the workers. So, if the Trade union is banned, then the workers won't be able to gather all their problems that relative to their jobs which that may be the result in un-cozy on doing their working, that will overcome for the loss of the business company profitability and with all this trade unions it will encouraging business economy to increase their worker participation in business decision making.
    So, instead of banning, the relation and approach should be changed. That may be result in a healthy relationship between two of them, the management and labor in an effective manner.

    -Christy Kusumo-

  9. Trade unions or we can call Labour Union is an organisation made up of members (a membeship-based organisation) and its membership must be made up mainly of workers. Usually their members are employees who have common interest and have formed an organisation with the purpose of protecting and promoting their interests through collective negotiation with their employers.
    According to me, trade union is very important for many employee in the world, because they believe trade union can bring welfare to them by negotiating improvements pay,improving their working conditions, provide training or new skills and give general advice & support and still many more. The trade union movement worldwide has bring to an end child labour in many countries. It has improved workers safety, increased wages for both union and non unionized workers, reduced hours of work and improved education and other benefits for many poor people.
    For me we shouldn't banned Trade unions existence, because it will burden many workers who want to ask better condition for their work,if there is no trade union, they have negotiate on his/her own and the risk is very high, the workers can be fired for asking it. However Trade unions can negotiate with and put pressure on employers on behalf of all their members to secure these aims. We can call the process of negotiating over pay and working condition between trade unions and employers as collective bargaining.
    Even there is many worse effect from trade unions such as demonstration actually it isn't wrong, they only want to claim their rights for their better lfe. Strike, when they do this strike,this causes bad effect for the company and also the consumers, because demand is higher than supply than its become scarcity that disadvantages all of us, like rises price of goods, etc. In fact we all know that they have many reasons and the most common reason is the employers didn't want to hear what they want to say, if this problem can change i think there will be no demonstration and strikes anymore.
    The conclusion is, trade union is really important for welfare of employee and we can't banned it based on the demonstration and strikes only,because sometimes demonstration is needed to open the others mind about what the employee thinks and keep off from foul that can't happen in a business, also we have to build better relationship between employee and employers to avoid bad things that we can estimate happen. If this things have been reached all of the people will not think about the disadvantages of existene trade union and they will realize that the trade union is really important for economics in the country.

  10. Charles 8, Jonathan 8.5, Maria Prabella 7.5, Angraini 7, Bella Devina 7, Lenardo 7.5, Chirsty 7 , Richard 8, Evelyn 7.5,
    Well done students you are improving very fast. I can see many constructive changes in your writings.

  11. Trade Union must be banned .I invite to Edmonton County Court against Trade Union March 2015.
    Marian Lukasik

  12. Trade Union must be banned .I invite to Edmonton County Court against Trade Union March 2015.
    Marian Lukasik
