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Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Problem of greying population

Grade 9 Business
Case Studies based Question

  1. Discuss whether the population problems found in the developing world are the same as those found in the developed world

Last date for Submission: 
March 10th,  2014

Please Write Your Response in 500 Words
1. Write with references.
2. Market evidences in support of your reasons.
3. Marks allocation for this article is 20
    Rubrics for Marks.
    A. Theoretical Explanation 5 Marks
    B. References. 5 Marks [Use Harvard referencing style]
    C. Use of Key words. 5 Marks
    D. Examples from various Markets 5 Marks


  1. Every country have a population probem but usually almost all developed country ex. USA and France have the same population problem, in almost all less developed country, usually they also have the same population problem.Factors that affect population is death rate, birth rate, social acceptance, standard of living, marriage age, literacy rate, and religious factor
    In developed country usually the birth rate is lower than the death rate or the birth rate is only higher a little bit than the death rate, so the population problem is decreasing of population, this can cause less military power, less economic growth and less new invention or technology but there are many advantages if the country have low or negative population growth such as more resources for people to use, higher gdp per capita, and less pollution. This is happened because standard of living is high which means having children is a big burden so this make people doesn’t want to have a children, the other factor is literacy rate. Literacy rate in developed country is higher than in less developed country. Marriage age also affect the number of children people have, in developed country, the marriage age is usually higher than in less developed country which make the number of children less than in less developed country.
    In less developed country usually the birth rate is higher than the death rate or the birth rate, so the population problem is increase of population, this can make more military power, more economic growth and more new invention or technology but there are many disadvantages if the country have high population growth such as less resources for people to use, lower gdp per capita, and more pollution. This is happened because standard of living is low which means having children is only a small burden so this make people want to have many children and sometimes the children is told to work for their parents so having more children in less developed country means getting more money, the other factor is literacy rate. Literacy rate in less developed country is much lower than in developed country. Marriage age also affect the number of children people have, in less developed country, the marriage age is usually lower than in developed country which make the number of children more than in developed country.
    In conclusion population growth is different in less developed country and in developed country because of many factor and usually the problem is vice versa in developed and less developed country.
    • Google
    • Ehow
    Christian 9B

    1. D, You have tried but need to focus more. NO originality is mentioned.
      In first paragraph you are repeating the same sentences I suggest you to do thorough proofreading for writing good answers.
      You need to follow proper referencing methodology.

  2. It is the same problem that both developing countries and developed countries faced it‘s about the number of the population that is really hard to be controlled by the government.The population number is determined by the social acceptance of the people, religious factor,and the factor of politics this mean the rules and regulation that is made by the government in he countries.
    The people in the developed countries is more educated so they know how to control the birth rate by using the method of contraception that were encouraged by the government such as in Germany ,Austria ,Turkey,and other.But it still depends on the people believes and their acceptance about having more /less child this is affected y their income level and religious factor.But in some developed countries political factor will also affect the birth rate.For ex in Dubai the government were trying encourage people to have children by giving them 20,000 Dh per month but this is only valid for the local people The united Arab Emirates nationality not the foreigners. There is also a high population number in the developed countries since they offer a better opportunities and better job opportunity this will attract foreign people to work in the countries.
    The people in the developing countries tend to have more children since they are not educated & have a different social acceptance of having more children since they think having more children will bring more prosperity to them, this method can for agricultural sector, but time have changed know this method can’t be applied anymore since agricultural sector does not generate as much income as the secondary & tertiary sector. They should think about the qualities of their child by giving them education not the quantity of their child. Even there is a high birth rate in the developing countries, but they have a low standard of living and low hygiene and medical factor so the death rate will also be high in the countries.
    There is some advantages & limitation of having more population. The advantages is the countries can have a faster economic growth sice there is a big demand for goods & services which can increase the rate of gdp, The government will also receive more revenue since there is a bigger amount of people paying taxes right now, The countries will also have a high supply of workforce this will reduce the wages of the labor increasing the productivity in the countries that will increase economic development.
    The limitation is that the countries will have a shortage of resources since they have a high number of the population. There will be also a high completion of job since there is a high supply of workforce,the number of pollution will also increase just like in China since there is a lot of factories assemble in the countries due t the cheap workforce.
    So it will be better for the countries to have a stable population number so they will be a stable economic growth and the stable number of employment in the countries.

    sources ; note book

    George djoni/9b

  3. Population problems occur in all sorts of countries, whether developed or developing, have resulted into tremulous issues. In developed countries (MEDCs), the countries are suffering from the ageing population, while in developing countries (LEDCs), natural resources have become a large problem. Although this, with the right strategies and actions, the problems in population rate can be overcome.

    Developed countries such as France and Japan, both being relatively small countries, are known to suffer what is known as an ageing population. An ageing population – when the distribution of a country’s population shifts towards older ages—occurs when the median age of a country rises due to rising life expectancy and/or declining birthrates. To overcome such a problem, some developed countries have tried increasing their workforce and population by attracting women to have children, giving benefits such as less imposed tax or subsidised schooling for children.
    In France for instance, “A calibrated income-tax rate means the more children parents have, the less tax they pay. In addition, the government pays a monthly allowance of £180 for families with three children. That number increases when the children reach 11.
    Parents get a tax deduction for housekeeping help. Parents who work in the public sector or large companies receive a range of benefits, from Christmas presents for the children to a financial bonus at the start of the school year. As well, holiday camps are subsidized.”
    By doing this, the French government is trying to increase the country’s birth rate so it will not suffer from the drawbacks set by the ageing population.

    In many developing countries, they are experiencing quite the opposite . The government are trying to lessen the amount of birth rates by educating women, finding new and effective contraceptive methods, as well as tightening immigration for foreigners to secure employment for the country’s own workforce. This is because of the major problem in the diminishing natural resources the country is experiencing because of the large population, and can result into lower living standards and surplus number of labourers (impacting on the fall in GDP per capita). As more and more people are living in the country, prices of food, shelter, petroleum and other necessities rise as well, as these goods become more scarce and have to be controlled since more people NEED it. The country may also find poverty problems—as people are not able to afford such living standards, the government will have to provide subsidies or equip them with these necessities. Moreover, the government may find it tricky in handling the government revenue as there becomes a larger need to feed the poor, improve the country’s infrastructure, tackle unemployment rates, etc.

  4. (CONTD)
    However, having a large population should not always be seen as negative. In countries with large populations, as established before, the availability of labour is high, causing what is known as cheap labour, as more and more people need the job to survive the harsh, economically developing world. This can result into more goods and services produced, as well as a more competitive market against the local producers and can even challenge foreign producers as well, creating a boost in economic growth. Another advantage is that, at times of war, the country is able to defend itself with its intelligence and smart tactics formed by the army and other agencies.
    “What does China have that America lacks?
    Quite a lot. China has more mid-level engineers, a more flexible workforce, and gigantic factories that can ramp up production at the drop of a hat. China also offers tech firms a one-stop solution. "The entire supply chain is in China now," a former high-ranking Apple executive tells The Times. "You need a thousand rubber gaskets? That's the factory next door. You need a million screws? That factory is a block away. You need that screw made a little bit different? It will take three hours."
    In this paragraph from theweek.com (the reference found below), this shows that China, a country with a large population and cheaper manufacturing costs, has attracted Apple, Inc. to produce their iPhones and other products in China rather than America, because of the easy availability of resources needed
    in producing their goods.

    In conclusion, both developing and developed countries are finding tremendous problems in terms of controlling both the rise and fall of the population, which is affected by the birth rate, death rate and life expectancy rate, but through the help of the government’s aims and actions, the country can use their population to overcome economic hardships in the expanding market rather than see it as a setback.

    - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_ageing
    - http://theweek.com/article/index/223580/why-apple-builds-iphones-and-everything-else-in-china
    - http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/france-boosts-birth-rate-with-incentives-for-parents

  5. CHRISTHOPER MATTHEW (9Bus./ 03, 10/03/14)

    Plagiarism Check (based on http://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker/): 95% Unique Content.

    (Matthew C., 2014)

    Every country has different population structures, but in general, the population structure is similar between the group of the developed world and the developing and less-developed world. These structures vary mainly because of the country’s economic condition such as better buildings and infrastructures to support the people’s life in a country. Developed countries usually has the problem of too less population while developing and less-developed countries overpopulation.

    In developed countries, the main population problem is too little population. Although buildings and infrastructures there are good, there’s a higher standard of living and their wage rate are higher as compared to the developing countries, the living cost there is high. This will make people think whether to have a baby or not, because a lot of money will be spent on having a baby. Moreover, literacy rate in developed countries are usually high enough, so they might already be introduced to methods of contraception, making them think more whether to have or not to have a baby. But in the other side,it can also be seen from the population trend that people living in developed areas has a higher life expectancy. This will cause what is called by the greying of population. The positive side about this is that these old people might be very experienced. With their presence, they can share their experiences with other people who are younger and still needs training from these more skilled elders. The country will also get the benefit as these experiences shared might motivate workers and make them more productive. However, the greying of population will increase the dependency ratio. Elders/ pensioners usually can’t work anymore, so they will be a burden on the productive line or the working population of the country. This makes people on the productive line need to produce more in order to give a living to the elders who can’t work anymore. Government should also spend money on building more public infrastructures, causing them to sacrifice the revenue saved for the younger generation, which is to be given to the older generations.

    While in developing/ less-developed countries, the main population problem is overpopulation. This might be caused because the literacy rate in developing countries are usually lower, making them think the wrong way. All they think is that having more children means having more asset to them as they can produce money without having to pursue education, even though this will be a burden to the country because the income generated to the ratio of the total population is unbalanced. In developing countries, life expectancy is usually also lower than developed countries because they don’t have proper housing and infrastructures and proper sanitation, which can make them sick/ infected. Overpopulation is not good for a country because there is a limited number of goods and services while the demand for these goods keep increasing, causing an inflation, a rise in prices of goods and services as there are more people demanding the product when supply is limited. Secondly, people in developing countries don’t get as high incomes as people living in developed countries do, so possibly they might not be able to survive to make a living, leaving them with no choice but to do illegal activities/ crime, decreasing one country’s social security.

    To conclude, no, both the developed and developing world has two totally different problems which is caused mainly by the economic condition of the country. Developed countries has too little population whilst the developing countries has too much population, creating different problems to the country.

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  7. Every country always tries there best to control their population so the population will not to high or to low.

    Having a low population will good when there are less persons the stock for the natural resources that available can last more longer than high population lower inflation on the natural resources such as wood, coal, oil, natural gas, etc. but by having a low population makes lower supply of human worker that means the wages or every persons will be rise because the price of services will increase because the operation cost if the company have Increase because they had to pay more wages for the worker.

    Having a high population happens with many factor such as low living standard, low contraception, religion don’t allow there people to use contraception, lack of education they still think having many chilled is really benefit because in old days people are working at agricultures and they need a lot of work force do done that so rather than paying other people to done the job they use there own chilled to help his father at farm or field this mind set still done by many people in LEDC most of this people are poor and they cant effort their to pay there son school fee so the number of low educated people are increase increasing in poverty. Poverty is one of the main Economic Development of a country if poverty I high economic growth of the country will be low, the standard of living will be low. Government try to decrease the population in many ways such as giving a regulation for having maximum number of chilled for they have to pay more tax to the government this have been done by china government in other to improve the economy of the country by decrease the number of population.

    Having a low population happens with many factors like the families don’t want to have any children because they think having children is a burthens for them, many woman now days don’t want to marry the boys because they can earn there own money so they don’t want to marry a boy, low supply of woman like china the man much more many than the amount of the woman this happens because the culture of the people makes this happen they think having a son much more better than girl if man the son can continues the family names. Having the low population is not really good, the inflation of the country will decrease yes but the work force are limited low workforce means less worker are employ the productivity of the country will be low the GDP per capital of the country will low. Government encourages the citizen to have more children by giving them free education or giving more money subsides their family.

    The conclusion is every country have their own problems Nobody are perfect same as a country no country are perfect they have there own problems.
    -100% Unique Content
    -source of information : notebook
