Future Economists

Seeds of future prosperity lies in today's children,
Let's join our hands to nurture the seed,
To its fullest growth,
for the greater welfare of Society.
Let's be united to remove the
poverty and corruption.

Friday, February 08, 2013

Debate: Poverty and Government

Topic: For Grade  9B_Penabur

Is government responsible for a wide spread poverty in the country?

Time Duration for submitting you view  is: 

February 11 to 17,  2013 

Girls will write against the motion 
Boys will write in favour of the motion.
God bless you.

Write you opinion here in 500 Words. [10 Marks]


  1. Poverty are people who have a very low-income or only earning $1 per day, people who lacks of basic needs such as food and access to clean water, clothing, and shelters. Poverty as we know is one of world major economic problem, in every country on earth, developed or developing country there is a poverty. No matter how high the GDP per capita is on a country, there is proportion of the population living under the poverty line. Poverty worldwide according to world bank has decreased over the pass 14 years but there is still a proportion of the population living with less than $1 a day. Poverty causes to one-third of some 18 million people per day or 50,000 per day. Mainly they die due to lack of food and clean water which leads to hunger and other factor such as murder or due to natural calamity.

    Governments across the globe are trying to cut poverty in their country which already give out good result as of the decrease of poverty level in the pass 10 years. Governments effort is not good enough which they can't eliminate completely poverty. Government point of view is not wide enough so they cannot help to eliminate poverty even further. They lack of providing good education for those people living under the poverty line as education is the most important aspect for them to get out from poverty line. Without good level of education how can they look for jobs to earn and fulfill their basic needs such as foods and drinking water and to teach them about not using drugs, murdering and stealing which they are not educated for. For being educated they can look for job to earn money, they know their surrounding and know what to do. With job they can earn money and with higher income they have, the more capable of them to fulfills their basic needs and they are also able to help their families and fellow friends who live under the poverty line to get out from it. To give education for people is to invest money to open free schools for the poor, which they lack of. Even if they open up a free schools, they don't provide a good quality of education and good qualified teacher which they really need to improve on that.

    Government need to supply more basic goods such as foods and water for the poor people so they can at least free from starvation. Providing them free or affordable place for them to live and protect themselves from the hot day and cold night. Government should invest more on these to provide them a better place to live, like improving those slum areas by cleaning and built a decent houses or small apartments.

    Government also fail to provide good healthcare for them. As most of them die due to the diseases they suffer and have no money to cure their sickness. Government should also invest more on healthcare for the poor as they really need it and they can easily get sick due to their bad living conditions. Even if government invest more on healthcare, they should provide good qualified nurses and doctor as well as good and hygienic hospital building and can be easily accessible for them without having to walk miles just to get medication. It must be placed on a strategic position.

    In contrast, government contribute to the wide spread of poverty as they don't provide good services for the poor, as well as they need to reduce the corruption made in the governments so there are more fund going to poor. They need to put more investment on the poor rather than to the rich as the rich already have enough money to fulfill their needs and wants. Government can also lend help to the poor by making an organization to raise funds for the poor so they are able to enjoy what the rich are all enjoying. Ferdin

  2. Excellent Ferdin,
    You have touched the very basic problem of poor people.
    Well done , keep it up.

  3. Poverty is people who is very poor they’re homeless people who sometimes called hobos or begger, they’re very poor so they can’t buy the three basic needs like clothes to wear, shelter or house, and food to be consumed. Some poverty areas don’t have clean water and good healthcare they catch diseases very easy. According to the world bank the absolute line of poverty is when a person made 1 dollar per day, and the moderate line of poverty is when a person made 2 or 5 dollar per day. Many crimes can also happen in poverty areas, people can be in danger or even die because of murders, education in poverty areas is seriously needed. Poverty happen because there is no workplace for them in the country.
    Governments in countries is trying to reduce or decline the poverty, so that the country can be more developed and can compete against other developed countries. Extreme poverty is a global challenge to face, in some countries like sub-saharan africa 47% of the people is below the lowest line of poverty and the rest at moderate line,from this fact the effort of government to cut off poverty can’t be seen or proved. Even at some countries like Indonesia, government corrupt the money for their own rather than using it to help and to decline the poverty level. But sometimes the government don’t have any money because unpaid debt to other country, so sometimes this country remains undeveloped and poverty sometimes rising rather than falling or declining, for example 40% of zambia income are spent for unpaid debt and 7% for services around the country. Overpopulation also a government task to control in order to reduce poverty, too many population can left many people unemployed because no more job or workplace is available. And if many people don’t have jobs,poverty rise and government can’t take care the high amount of poor people because that will sot alot and maybe not enough people to be the doctor or teachers for the school or any services that the government provided.
    In some undeveloped and developing dountry government’s ability to decline or reduce poverty sometimes fail even developing country still can’t deliver and make good services for the poor people. Government should provide 3 basic needs first, like food, clothes, and shelter. The food delivered needs to be healthy and in good condition, clothes and shelter must be in good condition and is ready to be used. After these things has already been provided the government should provide education and better healthcare, education are important so they can find jobs so they didn’t count on government anymore, healthcare can increase life expectancy so not many people can die just because of uncared light diseases.
    Government in some countries still can’t manage their country to reduce poverty level, government’s effort to reduce poverty has many ways, government can make an event like fundraising program or charities. Government should put high punishment to those who do corruptions. Government need to seriously think about making decisions about solving poverty problems and think about negative and the positive side of each decisions.

    1. Well done Contardo,
      You have provided lot of supportive evidences and data form African countries thats great.
      Great work done, keep it up.

  4. Poverty is a people who don't have money and some material to fulfil their needs like clothes, food , and house. in addition they also can't have a good education because they don't have enough money to pay the school. However poverty also can measured by the ability to pay hospitals. Poverty can measured by some indicators of human development .Such as the life expectancy if the life expectancy is high than it will reduced poverty . World Bank say that poverty line as 1$ per day .

    Government try to cut poverty by build the infrastructure like the hospitals, schools and others.Government create schools for poor people who can't pay the schools to get free school for their child . On the other hand it create a great effect and some on it not cut the poverty. Moreover poverty increase drastically , in example that uneducated parents and don't know how to get money because no one teach him or her, and later on the child which get free school will feel hungry because their parents don't know how to work and don't get money that make people poorer. And then Government need to produce clean water to the poor people, because water is very needed for drink , take a shower and clean clothes. Clean water make a good healthy for their life that make them can go work and educated .

    In conclusion that Government do that in a small because there is many trouble at the government site which affected the government aims to reduce poverty. They think that they must produce clean water, free schools and hospitals, but the problem is the government . Because people work and give tax to the government like income tax and others which is high .The people who work do corruption that take the money that needed to reduce poverty or build the infrastructure. The government take the money for themself not for the country , and government build a new building that is not needed for them to have a good service when they work at government site. Government also borrow money from other country that not required to produce poverty , people must educated to work and process the resources from that country. If the people educated then the government income will also high .

    In conclusion that Government too much give a good site for the people but they are uneducated that make them don't know how to process the resources. People need education from the government, but if the government income which get from the tax is corrupted by the government site it will be useless and not reduce poverty . And Government also need to manage the spending for build a new building because many of poor people need education to work and get money to fulfil their 3 basic needs. Poor people need to be educated and have a good health to work and others .But the government must change their behaviour and build their country using the government income not for build building for government , because poor people is need it for their future.

    1. Very motivated and well explained writing,
      Have done good work, if possible give some evidences as how government is responsible for the penury of some sections of society with references.
      Over all excellent work. Keep it up.

  5. Poverty is one of the biggest problems in all country all over the world especially in LEDC's. Base on the World Bank poverty line is $1 per day. Poverty happens when the people in that country unable to have basic human needs include access to clean water. Poverty is usually measured as either absolute or relatives, Absolute poverty are measure things like lack of things like food, clothing, shelter and medical care, and Relatives is measured the percentage of population with income less than normal proportion.

    Some say that overpopulation and lack of access to birth control cause to population increase to exceed food production and other resources that's why the amount of poverty is high but even though like that government still have a way to cut it out. In the case of this government have been try to cut the amount of poverty by providing basic needs such as free foods, drinks, free education, free medical care service, free shelter for those of poor people to make them alive, and the last government will make the tax higher especially for rich people or we can say that government will impose progressive tax. Shelter is one of the hardest thing to be avoid because people need a shelter to take a rest. Government also make some work space for them so that they can habilitate their family.

    There are many proofs that can show that government are responsible for the poverty for example like cases in America, even though it's a big country still it has a quite high poverty level. In America still have a very low-income and not be able to full fill their family needs, also there are many of them who got a serious disease and unable to pay for the medical care service. As a responsible government they will not just calm down but they do their job well, they help and try to solve all the poverty problem like give them a free settlement in order for them to stay, they also gave free medical care services so that no one die because of the diseases, and finally they also give free education service in order for their children have a better life in the future. Government will do anything to cut the poverty level even they should borrow money from other county like Japan, Australia, etc.

    So the conclusion is that government will not let their citizen die away like that they will always looking for a better on how to held the poverty problem because our soul are the most important for them, if we die because of poverty other country will judge that the government in our country are very vicious and no other country will help us so government must be responsible to the citizen that are poor. Government have many risk to held and many choices to pick but to be a good government they pick their decision for the best to the country, again it's not an easy job to decide something because there are also many people who doesn't agree sometimes for the government decision.

  6. First of all, government is a body that governs or rules an economy. It is particularly an executive administration that controls a country. Types of government differ based on each nation’s attributes. While, poverty refers to the condition where one lacks money which usually leads to a restricted supply of basic needs, including food, clothing, shelter and education. Poverty is one of the major problems of economies all over the world, and every government wishes to achieve poverty reduction. In 2008, it was estimated that around 1.29 billion people were having extreme poverty.

    Over the years, many people blame the government for poverty. The truth is, however, the lack of personal responsibility and realization is one of the mind habits that creates much of the poverty there is today. Some people can be too lazy to finish school and they themselves choose to live as they’ve always lived. While the government decides to accommodate more public, motivating goods, like clean needles to prevent drug users from sharing dirty spayers and contracting HIV for example, those drug users who are poor and mostly homeless still choose to sell that freely given stuff anyway instead of using them for their own good. They often think that they better take “another” advantage out of something that actually could change their lives since then in a good way. Even some handicapped people prove that their imperfections can’t stop them from working, but their sense of responsibility are greater than those who just stay at home waiting for welfare payments from the government.

    It is true that government has the duty to provide job opportunities for citizens, but if we roll back to the reaction of the citizens, we can see that there are many of them that don’t take this opportunity well. Some of them may get into the labour force but do not cooperate well enough to stay there, and by this we cannot always blame the government after all.

    Also, there’s a problem in the carelessness of people for marriage nowadays. Women, especially, that neglect the importance of marriage and have babies before they’re officially married are usually ending up in poverty. This should go back to parents. In fact, no one should ever underestimate the importance of educating children for any kind of decisions a teenager or grown up may take also come from their parents or surroundings. That is why poverty may rise from the isolation of individuals from their families. Adequate teachings and guidance, I believe, will bring the next generations to a better future, of course if equipped with the spirit to go up with better standards of living.

    Those who are poor, either adult or teenager, are mostly a result of little responsibility and lack of actions. When you see those who do not have the chance to work but do have the time to smoke, do drugs and do other worthless things, then that’s the choice they make. It is undeniable that widespread poverty somehow looks like an issue we can’t get rid of, but when the whole society including the people work hard enough, we can all help reduce it as we are capable.

    1. Excellent Clarentia,
      Very focused writing supporting government for not being responsible for the wide spread poverty of the people in the society.
      Great work done, Keep it up Clarentia.

  7. Poverty is a state when a person has little or no right materials to live and little to spend on. Poverty is one of the factors that the government wants to be reduced. A high level of poverty in a country not only means that a country has high population with low income, it also means that most parts of the country do not have good living standard. In conclusion, poor people lacks in health, education, food and drinks, clean sanitation, and housing & utilities. Poverty is a popular thing among developing countries, in which the government is always being blamed. However, these are to be debated as some says that poor people caused poverty on themselves.

    First reason, people always blamed the government for the reason that
    they’re poor. In fact, it was not all government’s fault. If you look at it closely, the government actually gave them subsidies such as rice each month, water supply, and some money. In our case, if we were given something like that, we would’ve used some and kept a little so that we won’t ran out of it soon and even possibly make a small business from money given. Most poor people spent it all out directly for buying their wants but not their needs. Most of them use it for gambling, buying motorcycles or handphones to keep up with the trend or paying their bills. This means their primary needs such as food, housing needs, and things for a proper living style are abandoned. So they’re not using their money right. We can’t also just blame the people, because this happened because of lack of education. Government should pay more attention so that this won’t happen.

    Second reason, when the government gave them more jobs, more education, and even better treatments for healthcare, they’re too lazy to try for it. They thought that it’s complicated because they don’t understand what it’s for. For example, the Indonesian Government made MCK ( Mandi Cuci Kakus ) project for poor people in Indonesia. This program is created to create a cleaner environment around the village. However only a few actually understand it and so the program was not successful. Another example is Rumah Susun from the government for the poor people to stay. It’s like an apartment with cheaper price and lower standard. They can live there with little cost. But then again, they’ll sell the place to other person with higher price so they get the money. Then, they use for their wants not their needs. The cycle goes on. This is however also caused by lack of education which the government hasn’t given enough.

    Third reason, because of lack of information and education, when the government tried to give them some treatments, they ran away because they’re afraid of what the government gave them. A few years ago, on Pekan Imunisasi Nasional, the government sent doctors to small places and give their babies treatment. However, when visited, they’re all gone because they’re afraid the government will poison their baby. They refuse help from the government. They need help, and the government gave them one, but they refused. It was clear that in this case the government wasn’t in the fault.

    These are some factors that I think poor people are in fault for saying that the government is in fault for spreading poverty. The government also need to make improvements and they need to focuse more on people’s education because that’s the key to making economic growth created by decreasing level of poverty since in MEDCs you don’t always see poor people begging on the streets like in LEDCs with their good level of education. I hope that government will pay more attention to this problem and fix this.

    1. Excellent work Tania,
      You have presented your views brilliantly and amazing very focused, its great work.
      Well done Tania, Keep it up.

  8. Poverty is the condition where people in that condition have problem with money, people in this condition they get $1 or lower. they also having problem with lack of having basic needs such as food, shelter, clothes, and other needs. According to poverty.com there are several poverty problem, they are Hunger, AIDS, Pneumonia,Diarrhea,Tuberculosis,Malaria,Measles. About 25,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations. Poverty can be measured, by HDI, also by GDP and GDP per capita.
    poverty could happen because of 1st no work place for those people. second
    education for those people are not enough. the third is the health care. they also if they got sick, they don't have enough money to buy medicines for them. those causes is caused by gov't because they don't provides/subsidized those people. first is the work place problem, work place problem should be offer by govt not just by population. second the education, there are several countries that already provide education for those who cant afford it, even tough it is merit goods, some countries do this and they has low unemployment rate and high HDI(their living standard increases). third is health care, health care is important. but even tough it is important poor people still cant afford it, also research has been done by a website(I forget) said that people who live in poor/slums are more vulnerable to get sick than others. this means that gov't need to provide it by them self. example that has been succeed is Jakarta new governor.but not all of those problem are occur because of gov't fault, but the most is caused by gov't. Sometimes those problem could occur because of the people their self. example some people are poor because of they don't want to study, they are lazy, etc. for work places people can work together with gov't so they make a new business. but without gov't help to produce it, it will not work. if gov't makes their policy to study more strict education problem will not occur any more. I think gov't might cut poverty by subsidizing those people in poverty condition by give them money or increase the infrastructure. but that money is used by those un-responsible people for its own, it means that gov't plans are not right enough to cut poverty.
    the conclusion are gov't are majorly responsible for poverty spread in a country, because of there are 3 major problem of poverty that gov't haven't solve such as education, even tough it is their own willingness, if gov't make it more strict and they give real 100% free studies poor family will accept it and it will work. for health all people want to live a good life but some of them don't know about this so it should be better to give them more information about it.

  9. Poverty refers to the condition where people live without the ability to fulfill or provide adequate provision of food, clothes and shelter. Poverty has been a global threat for a long time and both governments and the people have been battling it side by side. Billions of dollars and huge proportion of the national funds have been allocated to help reduce poverty in all parts of the globe. It is such a threat to the global economy because it leads to many other depressing problems that could add more weight to the economic burden for all. Rising unemployment rate, declining living standards, less educated workforce can all happen due to the increase of poverty.
    Governments have done many attempts in the past decade to reduce poverty. As a result, the proportion of people below the poverty line has decreased. These successful attempts include the free education system, free hospitals for the needy, development of poor areas and many more. Due to these actions, living standards has risen and even the employment rate has risen as well in many countries. However, many of these government attempts and actions contributed to increasing poverty instead. In Brazil, poverty can be seen anywhere at any time. The condition of the favelas, overall health of the people compared to the existence of extremely rich people showed that the rich people got richer whilst the poor got poorer. Government’s desire for economic growth, international trade, and many else may have actually worsen the already poor condition of its people.
    Several false attempts by the government have also let the people bear the consequences; wrong allocation of resources is one of them. For example, government may give too many subsidies for petroleum. Petroleum is used mainly by those with adequate income flows and not those in need. People living below the poverty line mainly do not have any form of vehicle that needs petrol. As a result, those who enjoy the subsidized petrol are the rich people. The poor people suffer even furthermore as a higher proportion of the government budget are used for the subsidy and not to help them. Aside from that, governments in various countries are not doing their job properly. Corruption and rising public worker’s wages on their own behalf reduces the amount of money that could be used to help the people and raise living standards. Corruption has been another deadly enemy to the economy for a long time as well. Government officers could corrupt thousands of dollars from the government budget, blinded by their desire for wealth. In addition, actions taken to achieve economic growth also worsen the conditions at hand. Governments may push the economy by giving subsidies or lowering taxes on certain layer of the economy, these boosted economic growth. And as economic growth rises, inflation flares along with it. Even basic goods and services such as food starts to rise. Who suffers? Not the rich people, but those who can barely accommodate themselves with the previous price level.
    In conclusion, government has helped poverty to decline slowly but that is even with the help of charity organizations such as UNICEF. These organizations are those who actually contributed a lot to the declining poverty of our world. Government is not doing enough for the poor. They may think that they are, but maybe they aren’t because they’re doing it in the wrong way. Or they may have no intention to help the people. On certain occasions, they are actually worsening the conditions instead of helping. Therefore, I suggest that the government re-evaluate their work so far so that the people shall suffer no more.

    1. Excellent Jennifer,
      Have done the writing work very systematically and given the name of international organisations and their work in promotion welfare.
      Good work

  10. Poverty has become one of the major problem in the economy. Poverty may be triggered mainly by unemployment and inflation. Government had attempted many strategies to reduce poverty and it did works as it reduces poverty even though by little. Poverty.. Who to be blame? Whose at fault? When you have no money to buy food and you suffers, who to be blame for that? Like when your exam score is bad, who to be blame for that? You actually have no one to blame because you yourself makes yourself suffer. The question is why don't you study? Why don't the people put more effort into finding work or even try to open up a small business for themselves. Use your imagination to invent something new and sell them. Look at your surroundings there are lots of natural resources that we can use to make different things everyday. Government has give us subsidies and open up school for free for the poor people why don't they study harder when there is an opportunity? We humans like to choose the easier way, like begging for money and when we do got the money we tend to not spending it wisely. Well.. I must admit that the government do play a little role (not so significant) in the poverty, like corruptions, social inequalities, etc... do also triggers poverty, but cant we make a change? We together can make this world into a better world, instead of blaming the government because us suffering is never other’s fault and our life is our own responsibility never others’. We are the one who choose the path of our life we made the decision so we shall take the blame.
