"Public sector can allocate national resources most efficiently"
Time Duration for submitting the Article is
February 25 to 3 March, 2013
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Write your opinion here in 750 Words. [20 Marks]
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The public sector is the part of the economy concerned with the provision of public facilities to private citizens provided or constructed by the government. Public facilities usually provided by the government in each state may be different. Public sector services and a variety of services include police, highways, fire, and city parks. Government to build public facilities and infrastructure using the supplied money taken from the tax shall be paid by the people in the country. Public goods provided by the government such as traffic lights to enjoy the community and not have to pay to use it. public goods can also be used every citizen and will not cut its availability if it has been used by others such as municipal waste provided by the government in a city park, if someone is using the other residents can still use it because it will not cut its availability.
ReplyDeleteGovernment that governs public sector to build public facilities and infrastructure for the community. Government cost to build the facility and need natural and human resources. To build a public facility governments get funds from taxes paid regularly by every citizen. This tax is used to build public facilities devoted to the public welfare. Governments also give community services are like police, fire and defense. The people who work in public services in pay using state revenues. The necessary resources the government can easily be used after the government took care of permits and can use it to build public facilities. Natural resources can be used easily by the public sector that is controlled by the government because the government can use it for the public interest and not harm others. If the government wants to build a public facility such as open green space in their countries sometimes they have to find a suitable place to build the park. If suitable land is already owned by the governments should try to buy it so it wrote the aggrieved party. Government should spend some money that did little to buy the land. After that the government should build facilities and hire some workers to help control development. Government is willing to spend money that does little to build the facility because the government wants to change and improve the living standards of its people. Funds they use are public money that is used for the benefit of the people.
But if the private sector wants to build public facilities and the use of natural resources that may be more difficult than in the public sector. Private sector is a part of the economy is controlled by the private sector and not by the government. The government does not take over the private sector. The private sector is usually controlled by a company that aims to make a profit. If they want to build a public facility that means they cannot benefit. If they want to use their natural resources to the government to take care of permits, all permits exist within state laws and they cannot use it excessively as it can harm and destroy the country.
So the public sector can use natural resources more convenient and efficient because the public sector is controlled by the government and the government can use natural resources wisely and not use them excessively. Government use its resources to build a public facility devoted to all the nations.
Sir I can't post my work because it keep saying "Your HTML cannot be accepted: Must be at most 4,096 characters"
ReplyDeleteSir, I think I can't post 750 words directly in one publish so I'm dividing my debate to 2 parts this part consist of 499 words.
DeletePublic Sector is the part of economy where it is controlled by the government. Public sector provides goods and services which are called public goods and public services. Government create this public goods and services satisfy their people and earn some of public revenue that later can be used for public expenditure. When the government allocating the resources the government produce goods and services that the governments wants people to have and this economic named Planned Economic System.
Public goods such as roads, traffic lights and telephone booths for some countries strive to satisfy citizens with the finest satisfaction. Public services such as fire fighters, police officers and health care aim to make citizens feel safe from dangers and they can live their life without any worry.
Knowing that natural resources are limited, government makes the best choice of using the resources. Government usually does planning for their country so the resources are not wasted and consumed properly. While private sector strives for profits they would less care of natural resources of the country and resulting waste all the resources. For example government cut down trees for the purpose of making public goods or land. They will try to find another place and re-plant the trees to prevent global warming.
Despite the fact that resources are limited more and more firms use the resources excessively to satisfy the demands of their consumers. However, government has the rights to set rules and regulations on those firms so that natural resources can be used properly and not excessively.
It would be better for government to prevent of private sectors to create more industry as it created pollution and polluted the air. They can make the land more preferable for people to use such as national park. This can make people relief their stress rather than breathing pollution every day and increase the death rate of the country. For example the government creates a national park that is open for everyone, people would go there at weekend or their free time to relax and feel in with nature. However, if the private sectors create industry it will cause pollution and inefficient for the natural resources as they are limited.
If the government allocates the resources of land, labour and capital to become public services of education and health care with free of cost or low cost will provide satisfaction for those who are poor. It is better because nowadays people use those resources to earn as much profit as they can and poor people can’t afford it which means lack of education and increasing death rate are there. It is also the aim of government to provide these public services as reducing lack of education and increasing death rate will reduce poverty and advanced the country to become a better country. For example government allocate the land, labour, and capital for creating a school or hospital it can increase health care and the education of the next generations to develop the country.
This is the 2nd part which have 262 words. Sorry for the dividing into two parts as it keeps saying "Your HTML cannot be accepted: Must be at most 4,096 characters"
DeleteAs the government usually does a free of cost services they need to get the money from taxes that will turn to be public revenue. This public revenue may be uses as capital so they may not charge the consumers like private sector does. Private sector in the other hand reducing cost by using economies of scale which needed a lot of resources so that they can earn more profits. For example when public sectors create papers out of the trees they will excessively take all of them for economies of scale and sell it with a high price in the market. However, government can use those resources to make something rather useful for the country such as creativity for people use it and motivate them to make something useful for the country. This will help increasing ideas and creativity for people in the country.
So, we know that government controls the public sectors which mean they can maintain and allocate the natural resources to its finest and setting rules and regulations to prevent the excessive use of materials in the country. They can satisfy their people with the goods and services they provide free of cost. Also by maintaining the natural resources government may increase education and health care to those who are poor and increase their creativity for the country. With that they can reduce poverty and lack of education that later can develop the country. Reducing stress and help people to relax also well by establishing national parks and reduce pollution in a country will reduce the wasteful resources.
Public sector is the part of economy which is concern in providing government services . public sector can’t allocate the national resources in efficient way because
ReplyDeleteFirst in public sector all the workers’s salry is same , not like in private sector so the workers who work in public sector will not work in maximize way they will work haphazardly , because even though they work maximizely or haphazardly they will get the same saary this is causes the unoptimal work like the driver of busway didn’t drive carefully , so there were many accidents happening , so government must spend it’s national resources to fixed the crashes and also government must pay for the passengers who got the impact from the crashes , so it will take many money.
Second to build many public sectors it will takes many land , and this can causes many negative impacts such as flood. So if this is happening government must spend many money to fix the problem, to find the solution how to stop the flood , also find the way to help poor people and it will takes many money . this is can happening because the decreasing amount of land that can absorb the rain because of many building an other things that cover the land , including the public sectors like roads . example like in Jakarta in 2013 , there was a flood , because of the high level of rainfall , the level of flood was reached one or half meter , and many embankments were going to leak which is can increasing the level of flood if this is happening , so government sent the arm forces to ude their plane to spread salt at the sky to stop the rainfall and government spent three triliun rupiah , also there were many poor people and society who displaced because of their house were drowning so government must spend many money to help them , also all the activity were stoped because of flood , for some people they couldn’t made any revenue , like sole trader.
Third there are many criminalities happening in pubic sectors , so the government has spent many national resources in built public sector , but their revenue in public sector is lesser than their cost in built the public sector , because of some people are afraid of criminalities so they prefer to use their own vehicle than the public sector , also like from the several years back there was an accident happen because of the railroads of the train were broken so there was an accident that causes many victims , so the society perception to public sector is bad .
Fourth in using the public sector they will charge for high taxes like using the toll roads , so if the taxes is high they will charge the price high . for low income people is really difficult to pay for high prices in weekdays . because for some people they need to go through the toll roads to their work place , if they have to pay that big amount it means their money is decreasing from their regular basis , and it will impact their living standard , if their money is decreasing it means their spending will decreasing too and it will impact with the market too, if the sales revenue of the business is decrasing it means government cannot charge them in high price because of according to their income for direct taxes and from company for indirect taxes , and that can impact to the government subsidies , if the taxes is not enough it means they have to use netional resources.
ReplyDeleteSo it’s all depends on how the government manage all things , such as the price , the price must be flexible , flexible means all people are able to pay for it , so the cost and the revenue are balance . Also safety is important for public sector due to build the good perception in each society mind about the pubic sectors if the perception about safety is good there will be many peole use it . Also fromm all the government must think the healthy infrastructure that they will build the public sector,so it will not damage the environment , that will impact will all activities and all people. Also the government must trained all the workers who work in public sector and motivated them , so they can provide the better services.
Economic System in which most decisions about how resources are used, what is produced, and how goods and services are priced and allocated are taken by public sector known as Planned economic system. Public sectors are organization that owned and controlled by government. Public sector provides public goods and services for free. The examples of public goods are road, station, etc. And examples for public services are healthcare, education, etc. Public goods and services or known as Public expenditure are funded from taxes paid by private sector business and individuals, and from the other fees.
ReplyDeletePublic sector can allocate national resources most efficiently, because. First, public sector provides goods and services that are essential/needed by the society. So that people get what are needed. While private sector may only provides goods and services that are wanted by the people instead what are needed. Because private sector aim is profitability. And later, people can’t get their needs.
Second, the allocation of resources by the public sector brings equality in an economy. All the people get same things, same treatment. While private sector may only supply products to consumers who are able to pay it. So, people who are poor can’t get anything. Example, private sector may not provide healthcare and education to people who can’t pay for it, while healthcare and education are very important.
Third, public sectors may very concern about employment. Government will try to make all of the people employed, so there will be no unemployment. While private sectors may only employ people who are highly skilled, instead of un-skilled workers. The problem is, not all of the people can get good education, they may be live in rural areas that level of education are low, or maybe they don’t have enough money to get education, or they have to help their parents to work ,so that they don’t have time to study. Private sectors will not provide training to workers because it could cost highly. While public sector may still provide training for workers. As all the people are employed, they will get job and incomes which it will raise the demand for goods and services, and it raises the living standard.
Fourth, public sector will provides goods and services that are save, not harmful, and not dangerous. While private sector may provides dangerous goods such as weapons, and drugs. As long as it is profitable. Fifth, resources are allocated wisely by the public sector. While private sector may compete to provides same/similar goods and services. It will waste the natural resources, as it is not necessary to provides similar things. Sixth, some private firms may dominate the market supply of the goods and services/monopoly. And they can use their power to do whatever they want. Example : set the products with high prices, less after sales care, etc. While public sector will not set the price very high, even if they monopoly the market. Example : Electricity power supply in Indonesia (PLN), Petrol supply (Pertamina) even the government provides subsidies for that.
Seventh, public sector may provide goods and services that are may be not provided by the private sector. Such as museum, library, national park. Because it is not profitable for private sector. While public sector will provide that, as it is funded from the taxes paid by private sector and individuals.
ReplyDeleteEighth, some private sector production process may harm the environment, from the waste of production. Such as air pollution, water pollution. While public sector may concern about the environment, because they want to protect the society from any disease, public sector may use “go-green” production.
Ninth, some private sector may extract/collect natural resources without thinking about the long-term. Example : Private mining firms may extract coal and iron too much, that it will make the resources very scarce in the long term. Or the other example, Private sector may cut off the trees, without plant it again. And later in the long term, the forest will be gone. And the animals will lose their habitat, and the global warming will increase. While public sector will think about the society and environment.
Tenth, some private sector may restrict the supply of the goods and services to enjoy the raise of the prices of goods and services later on. While public sector will keep supplying the goods and services that are needed by society.
So, Public sector are more efficient on allocating the resources, than the private sector. It is just because public sector don’t aim to make profit, they aim to provide goods and services as efficient as they can, with lowest cost. So the revenues and spending are break-even.
Charles 10BN
Public sector is the part of national economy that providing in certain of goods or services, it can be provided by local governments, private sector and state or provincial. This will provide services for community at either local or national level, such as critical services, like for example, health care, national defense, taxation and others – or such as roads and highways.
ReplyDeleteGovernment providing because of the importance of the public sector, which aims and objectives are to ensure the essential goods and services are available for everyone equally, provide the goods and services that important for the security of the country and also provide goods and services that can’t be provided by the private sector.
Public sector surely needs natural-based resources for rapid industrial growth in a country that require of huge capital for construction of roads, railways, like most of the toll roads. They allocate the natural resources for the sake of convenience and safety for road users. This aims for diversion of traffic away from the traffic road. In this case, that means government need to allocate natural resources and also need cost for build this kind of services to the community.
However, some of toll roads or railways don’t need large spaces of natural resources because some of the roads is build in flying bridge and for the cost it will cover much by the revenue of toll roads. This will surely help to finance provide ongoing new and stable source of finance from the revenues of toll and also for the bus way lane, which is not tied to government budgetary process. This can be particularly important for the raising debt finance outside the national. From that incomes or revenues, government can spend for providing other services, like examples before, to provide health care and also national defense or even schools that not always need national resources for the building. They can use older buildings or buildings that are no longer used, and then rebuilt a new building for public buildings for the benefit of the country.
Also, for public sector it has many benefits impacts to the society, like for employment. For example, various public sectors operating in India that now needs lot of manpower and this will provide employment to unlimited individuals according to their education, experience and their abilities. Sure enough, don’t need natural-based resources for public sectors.
Last, public sector can be very helpful for country environment, provide absorption area in particular some areas that are often affected by floods to overcome flood and also create countermeasures for - if there is a deep-seated landslides, for country safety and also for the world program of “Go Green” or “Global Warming”. The government revenues from public sector could be use for national facilities and protect the country itself.
So, the conclusion is public sector is not always allocates natural resources in most efficiently. Since it was manages by the government, so government for sure, in guaranteed, will undertake it seriously and take care this case with precisely in the right time and in the right way. Even, the public sector helps for the importance of environment of the country to reduce pollution like establish regulations for deforestation and could overcome natural disaster depends on how the government takeover this usage of public sector to its country.
-Christy Kusumo-
Public sector or usually called government sector is the part of the economy, it deals with production,ownership,allocation of goods and services,etc. Due to its name, it’s control or by government .The public sector might provide services that non-payer cannot be excluded from (such as street lighting), services which benefit all of society rather than just the individual who uses the service (such as public education), and services that encourage equal opportunity. In general the example for public goods and services are roads/toll roads, public transportation (such as Transjakarta), public telephone booth, police officers, public park, and many more.
ReplyDeleteIn point of favour, public sector can allocate national resources efficiently.
First, the aim of establishment of public sector is to satisfy the societies demand. Imagine if there is no police officers, the number of criminality will be higher than now and also nobody feel scare to receive consequence because there will be no one who arrest the suspect. Also if there is no roads, just like the old time, the roads still disorganized,many stones and fall apart, when night comes there is no street lighting. Of course the societies will be influenced because of this case. So Government makes public goods and services to complete the gap in societies.
Second, we take the other example like providing Transjakarta, many people can use it as public transportation, usually poor people who doesnt have own vehicle. The cost for Transjakarta is not really high too so almost all of the people can afford this. Besides benefited for consumers, it can also bring advantages to unemployment and the supplier of the bus itself. So it will reduce the number of employment and increase the welfare of societies
But, there are also many reasons that show public sector can’t allocate national resources efficiently.
First, when the government wants to provide public goods and services, they need big amount of money from government’s budget and for the government expenditure. It meant government income must be high to complete these task. Their income come from the taxes, so when they need a large amount of money, it is possible for them to increase the rate of taxes, it will bring bad effect to the company/person involved because maybe they can’t afford to pay the increasing rate of interest. Besides taxes, their income might also come from the revenue of public goods/services available, they also can increase the price for the public goods/services to achieve the high needed government revenues. So it will impact the societies, and the most influenced is the poor people. Example : if the
transjakarta prices ticket is 5000 rupiah and change into 7500, for some group of people it is not a big deal, but for some poor people it is. Because they need Transjakarta for their day-to-day transportation they have to pay higher prices, the translation is their spending is increasing but their revenue is not.
ReplyDeleteSecond, the provision for public goods and services can be as not useful as it was expected before. Like many people don’t want to use the goods and services(transjkt) because they afraid of criminality might happen any time, and there is no guarantee for avoiding the criminality, and the facilities offered not in the standard, because of these reasons,many people choose to use their own vehicles even it will takes more cost. The translation is, the public goods/services revenue won’t reach the expected line of revenue, and can causes loss for the government itself.
Third, public sector will need large scale of land and labour in most metropolitan area like Jakarta. The value of land in Jakarta is small at the beginning, and it become smaller as the growth of many skycrapper building built. So the absorption area, or green area like park is seldom in Jakarta. We can only see a few green area in this town, and it will bring a very big effect to the town itself, and for the people who lives in Jakarta. Example, the number of pollution in Jakarta is one of the highest in Asia, if there are seldom trees,plant, it is hard to reduce the pollution, the pollution itself can bring many diseases for the people, so it is normal if many people in jakarta easily to attacked cough, eyes irritation, and respiratory diseases. When there is heavy rain, it is easy to become flood, just like a few time in last january when the big flood came and immobilize the jakarta activities and causes very big losses for almost the socities in jakarta this is happening because there is only a few land absorption area available just now.
So the conclusion is, it is right that government provide public goods and services to satisfy the societies, but government should think first what will be the consequence for the risk and decisions they will take, which sides will be influenced, and it is good or bad for the sides, also is it will be very useful or can be possible become loss? And the right answer is when government wants to provide the public sector, govt should disscussed it and can’t take one side decissions.
ReplyDeleteNational resources are resources that was built by the government with funds derived from taxes or from society funds were reused to build roads, public transport from the government that was built for the convenience of the society and to facilitate daily activities of society .
The public sector ,sometimes referred to as the state sector or the government sector, is a part of state that deals with either production, ownership, sale, provision, delivery and allocation of goods and services by and for the government or its citizens , whether national, regional, or local .Example of public sector :
first is social security is refer to the action programs of government intended to promote welfare of the population through assistance measures guaranteeing access to sufficient resources for food and shelter and to promote health and wellbeing for the large and potentially vulnerable segments such as :children , the elderly ,the sick and the unemployed social security often call social services
Second, administering urban planning is involved in national resources because its technical and political process concerned with the control of the use of land and design of the urban environment ,including transportation networks, to guide and ensure orderly development of settlements and communities .The composition of the public sector varies by country, but in most countries the public sector includes such as :public roads , public transit , primary education ,and healthcare for the poor and organizing national defense.To keep national resources requires human labor government in maintaining and caring for the exiting especially national resource ,government regulation is needed in this case for other sector economy to use national resources wisely and not wasting too often or are not used to asking for permission to the government of using national resources so that the government can keep control and restrict the use of national resources by the public sector .
The national resources fund for built national resources is come from direct administration funded through taxation the delivering organization generally has no specific requirement to meet commercial success criteria and production decisions are determined by government .
National resources not only for roads ,or transportation in national economy but national resources also means national services which is provide healthcare for poor people and cheap house from government for achieve standard living of poor society .Government may also spend more money to use labor resources for help controlling , and take care of o]all national resources ,so government can use the money from taxes of society properly and useful for all society that needed and also every society can achieve living standard .
Government also must give attention to natural resources animal resources ,or non-animal resources another example of natural resources :coal ,tin , etc so avoid natural resources from endangered and government also can limited the uses of natural resources and people can use wisely .Natural resources is important for society and for our next generation .
So ,I agree with the decision of public sector allocate national resources wisely so that can useful for all society and money not wasted and national resources can still covered and not broken .Government may also make regulation for every society that used national resources to involved in take national resources for interests of society and also make regulation to avoid endangered of natural resources and uses of natural resources .
ReplyDeletePublic sector is a part of economy that own and controlled by the government. Public sector provide goods and services for the people of the country. Example of public goods are roads , traffic light , highway , street lights , etc. And example of public services are health care , education , etc.
Public sector can allocate national resources more efficiently because it can provide goods and services that are needed by the society. Like roads and street lights are free for anybody , there’s no charge for walk or drive on the roads. And all of that public goods are very important for everybody. Without it people will be have a trouble. Can you imagine , if you have to pay if you want to take a walk on the street. So public goods are more efficient because its need by everybody.
For the public services like health and education it will be useful for people that have very low income or unemployed people. Because the government provide public services for people for free. So for those people that can’t afford their kids to go to school , they can go for school without any charge given. And for people who are sick and can’t go to the doctor because they don’t have enough money , they can get a health treatment from the doctor that are provided by the public services. So public services is also as important as public good because it can be very helpful for people on its country.
The other point that makes public sector can be more efficient than private sector is employement. The government will give the best for its country , so the government will try to reduce the level of unemployement people. So for those people that doesn’t have skills can work for the government like they can join in the airport officials , army , state power company workers ,etc. On the other hand private sector only takes people that are skilled and have a experience in working , so there will be more unemployed people.
In a term of resources , public sector is very care about resources and private sector is doesn’t care about resources as long their can get more profit. For example , private sector company cut trees , mining ,etc. Eventhough public sector do that , they will not as bad as private sector. Because public sector is protect the environment of its country. Private sector company will keep give bad effect for the environment because their production will be create a water pollution , air pollution , and land pollution. But public sector company doesn’t create a lot of pollution eventhough they create some.
Public sector company is also give a facilities that are not given by the private sector , for example like museum , national park , game preserve ,etc. Private sector doesn’t provide that because it earns low profit. But why does public sector provide eventhough they know it earns low profit , its because public sector do that for welfare of people in its country. Because usually all of those facilities only take low cost for people who want to entry. So public sector purpose is to give a knowledge for people about history and nature life of the country not to earns profit.
For petrol supply or we can say Pertamina , Pertamina is needed by all vehicles that use engine. But for those people who have a vehicle but have a minimum income like motorcycle driver can’t afford to pay the high price fuel. So the government provide a subsidized fuel that we can also say as Premium that are cheap and affordable for people with minimum income. Why it can be cheaper ? Because government cut the prices and the prices that are cutted are payed by the government. Private sector will never do that because it will not earn any profit but loss. So public sector is very care about people of its country.
The conclution of this article is Public sector can allocate national resources more efficiently than private sector because public sector is very care about the country and the people of its country but private sector is doesn’t care about it , they only care about earns more profit and profit. By existing of public sector it can reduce the level of unemployment and uneducated people. So that in the forward the level of economic of the country can be higher.
ReplyDeleteEconomy system is decided what it's produced, how it's produced and for whom it's produced. Public sector is owned and controlled by government that provide goods and services in general like Transjakarta Bus, Toll roads, Railways, healthcare, free of charge school and others. Public sector is the most efficient to allocate national resources because:
ReplyDeleteFirst, public sector can satisfy what people needs and wants because it's provide public goods and services that the society needs different with private sector that provide goods and services to people or society that able to pay for them because usually public sector providing the goods and services for free or with low charges.
Second, public sector can allocate the resources well using a good employment because public sector is government organization so, a lot of labour is needed to be in a cashier, toll road, office, drivers, and etc. Private sector usually use less workers than public because private sector want to reduce wage costs and get high profit and revenues.
Third, public sector is the only organization that care for environment because nowadays many private sector production that make a bad effect for environment and make some diseases in a society, even public sector make an air pollution but it lesser than private sector because usually private sector has a skyscraper building that isn't good for our earth and can increase the level of global warming that happening.
Fourth, government can maintain the resources that limited, because they can decrease the limited resources that private sector can't do. public sector is providing the roads and others public facilities, the making of roads and the facilities is need manpower or man workers to do that, so the amount of employment can be reduce as the public sector making goods and services for society and the employment also can be reduced by that.
Fifth, government as the controller of public sector will make an equality in the society and also more benefited to consumer not like private that just focuses on revenues and sales that they wanted, they just make a competition that provide same product with same level of satisfaction but with a competitive price, it will make some product be wasteful and maybe actually it isn't important but, it was there.
Sixth, in public sector they're provided goods and services that not see a society that has a good prospects has a better quality, all is the same because public sector is from public and for public so, they will make no competition to get the public goods and services. all of the services are provided by government itself.
Seventh, private sector isn't care about harming the environment they just make and not recycling the goods that can't be use, and it will make a lot of wasteful things that actually can be a good things for other products, if public sector always see the environment side and always care for environment so, they don't make more pollution in this city and keep it green.
So, public sector is more efficient to allocate natural resources because they don't have any competitor, they don't need any competition and they provide the same level of satisfaction, they are different from private that always find profit and revenues and doesn't care with other factors.