"A rise in employment always benefits an economy".
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Unemployment is the situation when people don’t have jobs or they can’t get jobs. Unemployment occurs when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work. Usually unemployment became a measurement of the health of the economy in one country. If the unemployment rate in one country higher than the employment rate so the unemployment became the biggest problem in that country. There are types of unemployment such as frictional, cyclical, seasonal, structural, regional, classical and voluntary unemployment. Unemployment occurs because various reasons such as Frictional unemployment occur when workers lose their current job and are in the process of finding another one. If the unemployment rate in one country fall and the employment increase it can be benefit for the country and the government.
ReplyDeleteIf the unemployment rate in one country higher than the rate of employment that can be a big problem for the government and the economy in that country, the rate of unemployment high that means the government should give the unemployment subsidies to survive and to increase their living standard. If the government gives more subsidies to poor people that can reduce the revenue of the government and the government should reduce their expenditure and their productivity will decrease because the employees lose their skill if they become unemployment for a long time. Without jobs people in that country have less money and income to spend and satisfy their needs.
So the unemployment can give a problem for a country and the government. If the rate of employment in one country can increase because the government wants to create and provide jobs for the unemployment also they can give a training to the people the government can reduce unemployment in their country. If the employment rates increase it means the unemployment reduce and the government doesn’t need to give more subsidies for the people because they have an income from their jobs. If they have enough money and income they can spend more and the living standard in that country can increase. The government also can spend more in public expenditure because they don’t need to provide money for the people.
Also the productivity in that country will increase. For example the unemployment people get jobs and they work for an export company, they can use their skill to make a better product and that country can increase their export to the overseas because they can increase the production. If the employment rates increase it can make the economy in their country stable because the people can satisfy their needs and wants if they have enough income and jobs. To reduce unemployment and have a high and stable employment also become the aim of the government in macroeconomics. If the people can produce something and export it to another country that can increase the national income and help the government to subsidies another things
So the stable and high employment can benefit the country and help to achieve the macroeconomics aim of the government and reduce the rate of poverty in that country because the people in that country have a job and income that can use to satisfy their needs and wants.
Employment is the condition of having paid for work; who works part-time or full-time or under a contract of employment, while unemployment is the state of being unemployed. Most economists agree that high level unemployment is costly not only to the individuals and families directly affected, but also to the local and regional economies and the economies as a whole.
ReplyDeleteHowever, there will always be unemployment. Like for instance, frictional unemployment which is caused by workers voluntary to be unemployed, so that they can look for another job. Other forms of unemployment, there are seasonal, structural and cyclical unemployment. These forms of unemployment exist for good reasons.
But, economic will face downturn if the unemployment rate is exceeding than the employment rate. This following statement below will explain that the unemployment is harm to economy; clarify that the increase in employment will surely is benefits to economy.
Firstly, for unemployment causes a waste of scarce economic resources and reduces the run growth potential of the economy. As the increase in economic output is could be achieved by increasing employment outcomes for people. The more people are employed the total of national output will rise that lead to an improvement in economic welfare.
Second, the unemployment will impact to the fiscal costs of the government. High unemployment has an impact on government taxation, government expenditure and also the level of government borrowing each year. As the increasing in unemployment results in higher benefit payments and lower tax revenues. For individuals are unemployed, not only do they receive benefits but also there is no incomes of the tax. As they spend less, they contribute less to the government in taxes, such as indirect taxes.
This rises in government spending in benefits for unemployment people, along with the fall of tax revenues; may results in a higher of government borrowing requirement.
Third, if people are remain to unemployed for a long term periods this will become de-skilled as the skills will somehow changing rapidly due to changing job market. This will reduces chances of gaining employment in the future, which in turn increases the economic burden of government and to the society.
Fourth, unemployment of labor essentially amounts to a waste of productive labor resources that will slowly drown to the economic recession. It also leads to a number of undesirable outcomes, such as lower incomes, lower standards of living, greater social tension, and greater welfare expenditures. Furthermore, people in the macro-economic have to suffer to provide their living needs. If this happens in a long period, this might cause leading to crimes or people will go on strikes.
So, in conclusion, to improving employment opportunities for people is a critical element for enchancing the quality of life for individuals, their families and there are also brings large advantages to the economy in a country. Therefore, one of the objectives of government aims is to gain and to maintain the stability of people employed in order to achieve or boost the economic growth in a country and provide satisfaction to the societies.
-Christy Kusumo-
Employment is people that are getting job from a firm or company or it can be said activity between two parties usually based on a contract which one become the employer and other is the employee. Employee is work for the employer and paid by them, it’s called salary or wage. Meanwhile unemployment is a condition when people are actively looking for job but not getting one of it.
ReplyDeleteWhen employment arise, it may benefit country’s economy such as the total national output and income will increases, public expenditure will falls because now government don’t need to spend for welfare payments or spend to make new jobs. Firms also benefited because when they employed more people means their production will increases and as the production increases it also make their revenues increase as well.
However, employment that increase in a country also has disadvantages. When employment rises, it may cause an inflation or increase inflation that happening in a country. Why it will cause inflation because when employment rises means people are getting job then they will get income for them and their families. When they have income, they will start demanding for their needs and wants and when they start demanding it will increase the aggregate demand of a country and then when aggregate demand is higher than aggregate supply it will cause inflation or the other term is demand-pull inflation.
Then, when employment rises the employees that work in a firm get wages but in long term the wages that they got doesn’t satisfy them. So, they will ask for higher wages to their employer, when they start to demanding for higher wages and firms approved to increase of the wages it will make cost of production rising and then when cost of production increase, it may force firms to reduce the supply to the market because when they decrease their supply demand may increase and as they keep decrease the supply it also make the demand increase. So, if the demand increase and the supply decrease by firms it will make inflation that called cost push inflation.
Employment rises also make streets in big city that full of skyscraper buildings and offices will be hectic everyday like in Jakarta here, traffic is part of every people that live here. Why this happen because when employment rises people started working and some streets will be busy everyday by buses, cars, motorcycles and other transportation that provided by government and it combined with other people that maybe want to go to malls, schools, hospitals, banks and others. So, employment rise may cause traffic jam and government need to maintain this to make traffic isn’t happened by public transportation, it is the main ways to solve problem like this, usually this problem arise in country with big population.
So, it doesn’t mean when employment arise all good things will followed but also the bad thing or the disadvantages. Government must try to maintain the problems one by one and make the bad things become advantages in the future.
Employment is an individual who works part-time or full-time under a contract of employment ,wheter oral or written ,express or implied and has recognized rights and duties .Employment involve relationship between two parties ,usually based on a contract ,employment opportunity comes directly from investment (including foreign direct investment and investment bank).
ReplyDeleteIn every economic there always be unemployment ,and unemployment bring many disadvantages for the country .The disadvantages of unemployment in economy is
First, with the number of unemployment increase in the country means more subsidies also to be issued by government to meet unemployment achieve their living standards ,so many public expenditure can not be dealt because the state money is used to subsidies for unemployment people and this can cause the economic growth in the country.
Second, unemployment can lose their skills when they not work for a long time this is not only be disadvantages for the people but also for the economy if many investor from overseas invest or open company that occur in that country they will need employment to work in their country ,but if many people in that country don’t have skill ,so how can the company trust the society to become a employee in their company so the opportunity become employment lose also the economic in the country will never can growth if there is still may unemployed and unskilled people in the country .
Third, unemployed also can’t work in overseas because normally overseas standard so much higher than in local standard this means unemployed can’t increase the revenues of the country and if many people still become unemployed the economy will face poverty because the economy get low revenues but must spent more .
Fourth , with the rate of unemployment in economy is high the economy in the country will face poverty and country can known as poor country ,investor from overseas will not interest to invest their money in poor and country that not develop ,this mean there is no revenues for the country from overseas because based on research the highest revenues country is from taxes of investor company so when there’s no company invest in the country the revenues of the country is low ,also there’s now field job for unemployed people .
With many unemployed in the country poverty can not be avoid and the bad effect for the country ,so it can said employed people are better than unemployed people ,although not all people in the country become employed people but if the number of people employed is high this can increase revenues of the country ,avoid poverty and attract many investor to invest their money in the country because investor will invest only in develop country this mean revenues of economy increase in other side when there’s overseas company will open new field job for unemployed people and unemployed people can work their if many unemployed people become employed so this mean the economic growth will keep increase and can give many positive effects to the economy of the country .
so the conclusion employed can bring positive effects in the country because can make the country become develop country and attract many investor to open new field job for the unemployed people in the country also can keep grow the economic growth in the country itself
Employment is a number of people that have job , or the availablelity of labour force . The amount of employment people is increasing in several develop countries and parallel with that condition the economic condition of that country is rising too because ..
ReplyDeleteFirst because when the employment people is increasing their living standard is also increasing it means they can pay for their own living cost and also have no difficulties in paying for the healthcare, education , and other household things , if they living standard is increasing it means many people can pay for education , may be the education for their self to develop their skill or for their children , so their children can be skilled enough to find job. So from this situation there will be many job available for labour and can avoid the technological unemployment because there are some company that skilled be their number one priority such as rolls Royce company they are labour incentive because they are hand made cars so the skilled people will be hired by rolls Royce company.
Second as the employment people increasing so it means now the people who have money to spend is increasing so the demand for products is high so the firm will produce more and this is can increase gross domestic product or GDP , from the increasing in GDP so the export company if they want to export their product to overseas they will still have balance amount the product they sell in the local and overseas so the price of goods in the local will not increasing , this is caused the increasing in demand so company does not have to cut the production .
Third because as the employment people is increasing so the economy future prospect of that country will also be increasing s o the local investors or the foreign investors will be increasing too because they will invest their money in the business in the good economy country so they can make profit because if they invest I poor economy they will make loss .
Forth as the employment people is increasing so government doesn’t need to pay for big unemployment benefits and also government does not have to require big amount of direct and indirect taxes that will decrease the work incentives and also fall in demand . Government can collect the better amount of direct and indirect taxes that will not bother the economic condition for each person and if government don’t need to pay for big subsidies government can use it as public spending to develop the economic such as the development of infrastructure and etc , and government also can make budget surplus which is good for future economics condition .
So employment people increasing means skilled people is increasing so they can make good quality product and develop the variation of goods , that will be oferred to the customers but the government must control the demand and cost too because inflation can happened .
Employment is a term used for people who are working for others and not working for their business. If there is amount of people who are not working but on the range of age 15-65 are called unemployed and thus the term unemployment is used to state people that willing to work but don’t get a job due to either economic situation or less job recruitment in the country.
ReplyDeleteEmployment and unemployment can happens in every country around the world. Governments have the macroeconomic aim to have high and stable employment and reduce the rate of unemployment to have a greater national output or income.
Although it’s one of the government’s aims to increase employment and it might be good for the country’s economy however it may have a downright side which can cause several economic problems in the country.
Employment in such a fast rate can reduce the number of employees’ supply which creates scarcity of employees where demand of employee is greater than the supply. Employees can ask employer to give them more wages as labor scarcity means that employer needs more employees and they will pay high expenditure for wages. Creating increasing and relatively high wages and make producers to have cost increased and thus increasing price in market create inflation. Creating cost push inflation, where cost increases due to increasing cost of wages or other cost such as materials.
When cost started to increase and producer make less sales than they targeted, they will start to run to another country with less cost on production. Means that government taxes will be less, aggregate supply will be once fall again creating demand push inflation where aggregate demand is higher than aggregate supply.
Then again, more employees being employed means that more employees or people will spend in the market as they got income. When people spend more in the market, aggregate demand tend to increase and aggregate supply fall as they can’t meet the demand in the market. More spending in the market will again create inflation in the country.
Also, when employment in the country increases means there will be more unions that will protect employees. If this happens, a lot of people can get whatever they want as they got more people that can make producer scared as they demonstrate or even stop working to get what they wanted. Then aggregate supply will fall and inflation will arise again.
Then citizens will get the most downright side as inflation are there, and they can’t fulfill their wants and thus unsatisfied with the prices in the market and then poverty start to increases and then country’s money value will fall and then the country will start issue money, which is monetary inflation.
Another downright side again would be as high employment being occurred in the country, government will have to spend more on public expenditure. As employees being employed in a public sector firm means government must pay more for wages and expenses. Then inflation will arises everywhere; cost pull, demand push and monetary inflation.
So, employment will not always be good in economy. It has a lot of downright side in several sectors of economy such as inflation and high public expenditure. More and more producer will start running to other country and thus taxes will be less, demand push and cost pull inflation will be there.
Employment is the condition when the labour forces are being used in the efficient way. The labour force is the working population or economically active population of a country ( consists of all people in working age who are willing and able to work ). There are 2 status for employment, which are full time and part time employment.
ReplyDeleteThe other or the opposite condition of employment is called unemployment. This happens when people who are actively looking for work but unable to get it. There are many types of unemployment, such as seasonal unemployment, frictional unemployment,cylical unemployment, etc. The possible causes for unemployment can be from the job fields offered in a country, the productivity of the labour itself and , etc.
A rise in employment benefits an economy, for many sides. The most obvious side is to the employment people. Without a job, people won’t get a source of income, they will have less money to spend on goods and services. In the other words, if employment rises, they can increase their welfare ( living condition ) because they have enough money to spent and afford their needs and wants.
The other benefits is to the providers of goods and services, because when the number of employment rises, Aggregate demand is increasing too, and it will affects the producer because they can produce the goods and services more, increase their sales and get more profit.
When the welfare in a country is good because of the economics condition, many foreign companies might be more willing to invest their money in the country, because they think they will gain profit in better country. The it means because of the high employment, the future economic prospect in a country is getting better and will bring advantages to the government, because the company have to pay taxes.
For the unemployment they don’t have enough money to used, so do for paying taxes. So the government should give the unemployment benefits or subsidies for food and other necessities but only for limited period time. In some countries, Unemployment benefits are paid from direct and indirect taxes. the translation is it will affects the government in a country, because it makes the government income reduce, and will increase the national output. Also this may mean that people remaining in work may have to pay higher taxes to cover those in unemployment. So it is better to increase the number of employment to avoid harming the other people.
In the other hand, there is also the disadvantages of increasing number of employment such as when the fast rises of employment, this will creates the condition when the demand of employment is bigger than its supply. Because of this condition, the scarcity of employment happen, and so company or businesses hard to find the workers, and they have to pay higher wages to attract them to work for them. This bring disadvantages to the business because they have to pay more without any additional benefits. The other disadvantages such as when the more people employed, the more demand in a country, so when Aggregate demand exceeding Aggregate supply once again it will creates inflation.
The conclusion is the rises of employment benefits an economy in a country for many reasons, so government should hold their macro-economics objective about high-and stable employment to keep the economy in a country better and avoid the loss or the disadvantages might happen because of the unemployment. Also government should consider and pay attention to the fast increasing employment because it might bring disadvantages.
High and stable employment is one of the government’s aims in maintaining a good economy in a country. Employment provides people with income and wealth. People hired for jobs and working for other people are called employees. The owner of the business is called the employer. Therefore, low level of unemployment is avoided by the government.
ReplyDeleteEmployment is very important for the country’s economy. People in productive ages (labour force) who are able to work and earn money should get jobs to finance their own lives. If the people in the country who are qualified to work are having jobs, poverty will be less. Poverty is caused by the laziness and unwillingness of people in ages 15 – 65 years old to work and earn. It is also caused by the poor lack of attention from the government, or too much attention where they are spoiled too much; like giving them subsidies on something that they can afford by working, giving them free houses and primary needs. By doing this government can cause a bigger problem to the country which is, unemployment. Where people who are willing and at the same time that are unwilling to find jobs couldn’t get one.
With more people working, meaning giving out their talents and skills to the work their doing which employers can benefit. Specialized workers who have special skills and talents are hired and searched by many employers according to their fields. Their skills and talents are given out to make the company they work at earn money. When a firm is successful and has a big amount of earning, it will surely affect the government. Firms in every country finance the government by paying taxes. This is how the government earns money from business holders. With more people working for a firm, the more wages they pay because production will be more, and taxes will be paid more.
Hence, high employment in a country can increase national output and country’s productivity. Like for example; Singapore. Singapore is a country that is known with a lot of people working, even when they are old and actually unable to work anymore. They rarely get pension funds because they still earn for their living costs themselves. Some of them are workaholic, and it made the country developed and is now known as the fastest developing country in Asia.
In conclusion, employment is very beneficial for a country, especially countries that are underdeveloped and suffer from economic crisis. With an increase in employment rate and reduce in unemployment rate, will certainly help the country’s economy, whether if it is suffering from a crisis or anything. It will develop and make a better country. National outputs will increase and poverty will be less. Government will not worry about spending on subsidies and can spend more on something more important; like healthcare, education and international trade.
Employment is the people who are employed by employer. High and stable employment is one of the government macroeconomic objectives. Employment provides people with incomes and wealth. There are 2 types of employment, Full-time employment and Part-time employment. Full-time employment means working from Monday to Friday each week, for around seven to eight hours each day. Part-time means working only on particular days with limited hours of work. Government tends to maintain the level of employment at high level in the economy, because it brings positive impact to economy. However, there are some disadvantages of rise/high level of employment in the economy.
ReplyDeleteFirst, as many people are employed by employer, it makes some employer hard to control the large numbers of employees. Employer may hard to monitor their workers, while there could be some hidden unemployment and people who are work un-effectively, it may reduce the productivity. If that happens, it is useless to employ more/many workers.
Second, if more people are employed, there will be more people who are earning income. Then it will boost aggregate demand in the economy. And If the aggregate demand is higher than the aggregate
supply, inflation will occur. Then inflation will damage the economy.
Third, as many workers are employed by employers, employers will need to pay workers’ wages. Then employers will borrow money from the bank to pay the wages. High level of borrowing will increase the money supply in the economy, as bank issued more money to the economy. Large money supply in the economy will raise the inflation in the economy.
Fourth, rise in employment means there are more labour force in the economy. Rise in labour force will increase the supply of labour in the economy. If the supply of labour is higher than the demand for labour, it will reduce the average wage rate in the economy. Then, the workers will earn less wage than before. If that happens, government will raise the minimum wage rate which will burden the firms, as firms have to pay higher wages. Then, firms will cut some of the job to reduce the cost which will raise the unemployment. Or the government can support the firms by giving them subsidies, to prevent unemployment. However, it will increase the government spending.
Fifth, rise in employment means employer employ more people to increase the production. High level of production may lead to the higher level of waste produced. This will bring negative impact to the environment.
Sixth, high employment means workers have more bargaining power through trade union, as there are more members. This could help workers to ask for a higher wage rate to their employer, which will raise the firm’s cost. Or they also could go on strike, which may hold the production process.
So, rise in employment doesn’t always mean that it will bring good effect to the economy. It also can bring bad effect to the economy. However, high employment will raise the GDP in the country and living standard.
Charles 10BN