Grade 8 A
" Discuss whether wages are the most important factor influencing the choice of occupation for many individuals."
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July 29th to August 4th, 2013
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Wages is a fixed regular payment received by a worker in exchange for labour, either producing goods or providing services. A firm would pay wages to the workers employed in different lengths of time, such as hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. An annual wage would be referred to salary. Wages and salary are similar, however, a wage is usually accumulated hourly (e.g. $15 per hour) while a salary is given in a longer span of time, for example monthly or annually (e.g. $45.000 annually).
ReplyDeleteSome say that wages are more beneficial as you get paid for the amount of hours you work, as compared to salary, where you get paid at a set amount of money the company has given you. For example, a teacher would not get paid for the amount of time he spends checking students’ assignments in the weekends or holidays, but a construction worker could get paid more if he works extra hours, which are irregular working hours (e.g. midnight).
Wages are arguably the most important factor influencing the choice of occupation. The main reason why people are doing work is to earn money. Higher wages would attract more workers, as they need the money to earn a living.
Money is able to change the life of an individual. It changes the economic state of a person and the social being of the person himself. With money, a person would be able to fulfill his needs and wants. Humans are dependent to money. Without money, we simply could not live as it need a medium of exchange for goods and services. Money gives you freedom and choices. You can decide where and how you want to live when you have a good income or financial resources. On the other hand, when you do not have much money, choice may be something that you cannot afford.
Higher wages, in many ways, also increase the prestige of a person. A person with more money would be looked highly upon by others. Some people think of prestige as a very important part of their life, it’s a part of their identity.
Wages creates specialization. Without wages, specialization could not be performed. Even the basic work activities could not be achieved, as people are not willing to produce goods or provide services free of charge. Specialization could only be performed when a sufficient amount of wages is ready to be given to the person specializing.
However, in every argument, there are two sides.
In the past generation, wages are considered the most important aspect in career choice. The mindset of the people in the past generation is to study hard, get good grades at school, graduate with honors, and get a good job with high salary. However, in the modern age, this is not always true. Although wages still play a large influence on people’s career choices, its influence has decreased over the past decade.
Nowadays, many adolescents, when selecting a job, focus on other factors rather than wages. Some of these factors are caused by social interaction, such as interdependence of family, school and community culture. Young adults, through interaction with family, the school environment and community in general, learn about various occupations which plays a critical role on shaping the youth’s career choice.
ReplyDeleteWork-bound parents often teach their children skills which provide them with a greater understanding on the occupation, affecting a youth’s occupational choice. Some adolescents might say, “My mom works in an insurance company , and some of my other family members does that too. So I could work with my mom and ask her things, and, you know, she taught me a lot. This makes it easier on my part.”
Another factor influencing the career choice of an adolescent is the ‘ideal job’. Each young adult have different perceptions of an ‘ideal job’, affecting the career choices they make. Almost everyone in the world would love to have an ideal job, “A perfect job, exactly what you want to get up and do every day,” as many would assume. For example, some people prefer to become artists (e.g. street musicians) even though they realize that they will not be paid much, because art is their passion. They do not consider the wages they might or might not earn.
Another factor to consider is the location of the job. Each city and country has its own special socio-economic circumstances. Acting jobs might be plentiful in Los Angeles or New York City, but an agricultural job might be very difficult or impossible to find. Another example is that if you want to be a banker in Jakarta. There are plenty of offices offering positions, but the high cost of living in Jakarta might change your decision into moving into a more affordable city/town. Even if you are not looking for a specific job, it is advisable to know the job market and cost of living in the area before moving and begin an employment search.
The availability of advancement also plays an important aspect in influencing an individual’s choice of occupation. An individual is more likely to choose a job where promotions are likely to happen. A promotion means higher prestige for the individual, which is important to some.
Employment security also helps us decide the choice of occupation we are going to take. A secure work environment is more desirable than a dangerous one. Most people would prefer an office job rather than working in a coal mine. Coal mines often open up the possibilities of an accident happening any time, thus making the job undesirable.
The facilities provided in the job location can also be a consideration. Many people would want to have jobs where facilities are plentiful, such as air conditioning, modern technology, comfortable environment, a workers’ lounge, etc. Workers would not be satisfied by a lack of facilities in the job location. Work with little facilities are usually for unskilled workers, such as a construction site for construction workers.
The last factor is career flexibility. A flexible occupation,meaning having a flexible time for the job, mainly achieved if an individual is working freelance. The individual could try new job possibilities if he feels it is more beneficial for himself. With career flexibility, an individual could make use of other chances which could help him earn more money or prestige.
In conclusion, wages is still an important factor influencing the occupation choice of a person, but it is no longer the main factor as many open-minded youths are appearing in the midst of the society. These people consider other factors rather than wages. Some people who have worked in a place and is not satisfied with the performance of the firm might also consider the other factors aside from wages to choose an occupation.
Well done Alicia.
ReplyDeleteFactors affecting the level of work performance of an employee include:
ReplyDeleteAbility, personality and work interests
Clarity of explanation and acceptance of the role of a worker
Level of job motivation.
Most people receive their work before deciding what to think about the work they are doing, work environment, salary, company they work for. Not only salaries but they think the things mentioned above are also affect. Usually workers prefer the chance or opportunity to obtain a good career path.
However, not too unskilled worker consider career paths that will be a problem in the sails. Usually prefers the unskilled worker salary in deciding to choose a job. I would agree if someone put problems career path will be achieved as compared to the level of wages earned. Because if you go up the career ladder and automated income automated facility acquired will be better.
For people who are not educated, they only focus on the results of their work (wages). Because their work is not based on a hobby or knowledge or their abilities. they work just to make money, so they just focus on salary.
not infrequently also highly educated people have the same thoughts with the people who are not educated are usually the ones that do not have the will to move forward and not focus on the desire to advance the company where they work.
For people like-that they only think of work to find their focus money. So in finding a job is the salary. a good worker should consider many factors to take any job such as work motivation, work conformance with the principles of our lives, the environment in which to work, the work that we like.
In antiquity, the degree of a person is determined from the amount of their income so that they are vying for a job with a big salary. This opinion is still applied to the current generation. So many parents who teach children to look for jobs that provides good wages, although contrary to the desires of their hearts.
Now most young children are no longer concerned with the salary issue. They are the joy and the most important: suitable in running the job and career path they will get. Sample (base on true story):
one young man received in company A with wages of 10 million. And in company B with wages 7 million. But, he get work in company B because he said in a company he must lied every day so he did not have peace. So he decided to work with a smaller salary, but in accordance with the principle of his life.
So the conclusion is that I do not agree if the salary is affecting decision in taking the job. I think more important is to find a job that has a great career and the work we love, and in accordance with the principle of life.
Winson Lamsuri
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ReplyDeleteWages simply mean what individuals earn after they work; it can be each day or each month. Everyone need high wages for many reason, the easiest example is to fulfill their needs and wants.
ReplyDeleteIf people have low wages, they have a hard time to fulfill their needs. Sometime they only eat once a day or even cannot buy foods for their family, pay their living cost like electricity and water. Especially in some industries that pay their workers lower than the minimum wages because the costs of replacing labor is high. Usually the workers who get low paid are the unskilled workers, like some maids, they moved to other countries to get higher wages.
People that gets high wages have more advantages, they can easily buy something and satisfy their needs although it is expensive because of their specialization, the position or status in their job are high, not only that but because some businesses have efficient allocation of resources and individuals can increase the productivity in that resources which their business may earn more from selling their products or services. There are some disadvantages that specialize workers have. They can get bored easily or do the same job again and again or dependence on other, for example people riding a train, monotonous job , the same way of thinking is one of the problem too.
Not only to satisfy their need and wants but in other ways, Individuals also need high wages for their popularity in their career. They get proud when they received high wages and they will compare to other individuals. They do not ashamed and look at the individuals with lower wages badly or underestimate them.
We can determine wages base on skill and ability of the workers, higher skill of workers can earn more than unskilled. There are some cases on labor that cause people demand more on wages, demand for labor and supply of labor. For example in demand of labor, the firm needs 100 labor and will get paid for $10, then the supply of labor for the firm is only 10 workers because they do not want small wages although maybe they do not have skills or abilities.
However on the other side of the argument, some people considered that high wages are not the main factor for their occupation. There are also some reasons why they take other factor beside wages. When they do not get high wages, they have no problem because their main factor is to feel comfortable with their jobs and they can get better performance. It may be their hobby, for example artists, they love to and draw so they take their job as part of hobby.
Some people are okay with the amount of wages they received, because they do not want to compete between individuals and individuals with high wages. Another individual want to socialize at their work, maybe they are bored at home and want to find new friends or to keep them busy by doing something like working, for that kind of individuals, they do not need high wages because high salary is not their main goal. There are some individuals who wants work in famous business although the get paid with normal amount of wages, because they are prestigious and others want to find experience of working.
The conclusion is that most people considered high wages is the important factor influencing the choice of occupation but there are some people have their own factor to choose their jobs.
Felicia Angeline 8A
In definition, wages is the money given to workers for their hard work, like the payment for them. If there is no wages, no people will work. Wages depends on what their work is, skilled workers will get more wages than unskilled workers because their work is harder than the unskilled ones, so wages depends on the skill and ability of a worker.. Before people work, they will think first about their wages/payment in the work, if the job is hard and the payment is little, people will not want to work. But if the work and wages are equal, they will want to work. Wages is not the only factor that influence the choice of occupation for many individuals. There are also factors than influence the choice of occupation for many individual such as travelling distance, business reputation, facilities, working environment, and the work they will do. But mostly the most important factor is the wages or payment. Travelling distance is important because we need to know how far our working place is, if it is very far, we should wake up very early in the morning to get ready for work. But if it is near, it will be easier for us to go to work. In my opinion, more people will choose the working place that is nearer to their house. Because if the working place is to far, we will get very tired and only get a bit of rest. Another factor is business reputation, people will think will they work for a good popular company or a bad low company. More people will want to work in the good company because they know the company will not be easily bankrupt, so people can work in the good company for a longer time than if they work in the bad company. In the bad company, maybe the company can be easily bankrupt, and people who work their might have to move to another company. Facilities is also an important factor because we need to know our working place facilities, like will people be given food and clothings for free or not. If they give it for free, it will be better. And also for the health of the people, if for example they are sick, the company will pay for the health check. People will also think about their working environment, like is their working place clean or dirty. If it is clean people will be more energetic and happier to work. But if the working place is dirty, people will be lazy to do their work. Like for example, the working place is near the mountains of garbage, the working place will be smelly, and people will be unenergetic to do their job. Work they will do is also an important factor to influence the choice of occupation for many individuals. They will surely think about the work they will do , like is it dangerous or safe, complicated or more relax, and stuffs. If the job is dangerous or complicated, people will double think to choose the job, but if it is safe and a more relaxing job, people will willingly want the job. And also, they should also think about when they will work, I don’t think that people will want to work on holidays. In conclusion, wages is still the most important factor influencing the choice of occupation for many individuals because although the work is near and easy, but the wages is very little, people still don’t want to work. They will think firstly about the wages, than they will think about the other factors.
ReplyDeleteAudrey Tan
Wages are simply means money that someone can get from their occupation or job to fulfill the needs and wants. Wage is depending on what work they have done, is it need to be specialized or not. Wages that we get can be per hour, day, week, or month. There are so many factors that influencing the choice of occupation for every people including wages. Some people say that money is important because everything in this world should be pay by money. And to get money, we should do something. We can get money if we work. So it means that wages or money is very important because it is related to their life. And also wages should be as same as the time you work on it. Example they need money to eat, drink, etc. Of course skilled worker will pay more than unskilled worker unless in this occupation, we should be more responsible. Most of the people with low wages or unskilled workers have some difficulties in fulfilling the needs and wants. Because that wages maybe only can use to eat and drink. Also they might get difficulties in paying clean water, and also electricity. Different from people with high wages or skilled workers, they can easily fulfill the needs and wants including paying for clean water, and also electricity. They can easily fulfill the needs and wants because of higher-level of education, so people can master and specialized some or an occupation(s). However, some people that already specialized the occupation(s) get boring of doing same job or the job that related to previous job because if we do exact job or job that related with a long time, it can cause another problem. And of course, there is a different point between skilled and unskilled workers. Skilled workers will be more popular because popularity in career. And also a kind of proud if get more wages than other people. But in another hand, wages is not the most important thing in doing work. Other factors that may influence the choice of occupation for some individual are opportunity, match between skills and ability with what occupation that they have chosen, the match between their age and the occupation that they have chosen, how to have a team work with others, etc. as possible as they can, it can be their hobby, so that feel comfortable and enjoy their work even though not with too much wages, but it still cover the needs. But still some people are thinking before they specialized in something, they think about their wages in the future, even though they don’t like the occupation that they’re going to choose or even they already chose. So my opinion or conclusion is wages is still important factor that may influence the choice occupation for many individuals, however for few people maybe there are other factors that may influence the choice of occupation with example some of people get low wages however they are more enjoy their work. And the factors are already mentioned before.
ReplyDeleteIn works life, wages undeniably one of the most influencing factor of people when they are choosing job or occupation. However, in my opinion wages is not the important factor because the most important factor is conformity between skills, knowledge and occupation.
ReplyDeleteFor example, if we are offered by a company to do a job that we do not have the knowledge, skills and ability to do it, surely we would reject the offered. Eventhough they offered you much money. But if they accept the offer, there is a possibility the project would be failed totally. Because we do not capable to do it.
Most workers consider types of the occupation before consider the wages. After finally find out a job which appropriate to their skills and knowledge, they begin to thinks about the wages. For example, a job seeker during the interview bargain about the nominal of the wages after they know about their responsibility to do their work.
The third factors that usually happens is Family Matter. Sometimes our family direct us to choose the occupation that suitable with their wishes. And sometimes our parents opinion is not suitable with our opinion. For example, if there are a job that transfer us from one place to another place, our parents will not let us to leave. Especially, to a place so far away from our home.
The fourth factors, if we already had our experience to work, but we would like to move into another better place, but in a far place, our parents will not permit us to go there, because if the place is far away, our parents can not get a communication with us because of not enough pulse or the connection is bad so our parents also worried about us.
The other factors which is important is location of the job. For example, if the location is far, they will think it carefully before decide to accept the Job because sometimes the location related to how much money you will spend for your daily life, and also related to your own safety and security. For example, if you been placed in Afghanistan for work you will think hard before accept it. It is an opportunity. If you choose to go work to Afghanistan you will earn much money but you have to get used to live in a very dangerous country because your life will be in danger. And if you do not accept the job, you will not got the wages but your life risk get lower. So its hard for survive.
On my conclusion, wages is not the only one factor influencing to choose job or occupation. But wages also important for us to survive. There are several other factor like conformity between skills, knowledge and type of occupation. The second important factors, is location of the job and the duration of the job. The third factors, is the disadvantage, Family Matter. And the last factors or the fourth factors, is a problem on job.
-Celia Pricilla Mesatania 8A-
Wages are the fixed amount of money recieved by workers in a regular period of time, for producing goods, services or simply doing their jobs or tasks they were told to do.
ReplyDeleteThe regular period of time can be hourly, daily, monthly, or even yearly.
Wages can be increased or decreased according to some reasons. Some employers may be short on money as maybe their business isn't doing very well so they may cut costs by decreasing the amount of money given in their wages. If the condition is very bad such as the business is making loss so much that the owner can't handle it anymore, the workers may even get fired.
Some people think that wages are the most important factor that affects their choice of finding jobs but as usual, some people think that it isn't the most important factor.
People do jobs for money as they need money to buy their daily needs to live. We live based on money and most of us work for money. Wages CAN be a main reason to most individuals. Many individuals want to become skilled workers as they are paid higher than non skilled workers. Although it is easy to become an unskilled worker, their wage is usually less than skilled workers as the demand for skilled workers are greater than the supply while the unskilled workers are paid less as the supply is greater than the demand. As skilled workers are paid highly, people will try to learn the skills and knowledge to become a skilled worker so that they can earn more money. Here in Indonesia, individuals who have a variety of occupation choices will generally choose jobs with high wages as we, humans need and like money.
Although generally individuals would choose their future jobs based on the wages given, there are plenty of other factors that may affect certain individuals' desicion in choosing a job other than wages. Some of those other factors are job security, prestige, status, fringe benefit, work flexibility, chances of promotion.
Job security is one of the other factors. Job security is the probability that an individual will keep his or her job; a job with a high level of job security is such that a person with the job would have a small chance of becoming unemployed.
Factors affecting job security is dependent on economy, prevailing business conditions, and the individual's personal skills. It has been found that people have more job security in times of economic expansion and less in times of a recession. Unemployment rate is a good indicator of job security and the state of the economy and is tracked by economists, government officials, and banks.
Typically, government jobs and jobs in education, healthcare and law enforcement are considered very secure while private sector jobs are generally believed to offer lower job security and it usually varies by industry, location, occupation and other factors.
ReplyDeleteAnother factor is prestige. According to a dictionary, Prestige is "Respect and admiration felt for someone or something on the basis of their achievements or quality.". Prestige is factor here as there are individuals who like to show off or simply like others to admire or praise him/her. Some may even decide what their job will be based solely on prestige. Those people are generally very socially active individuals who think that they "cannot survive without other people praising him/her ".
Status is simply the relative social, professional, or other standing of someone. Individuals may choose their job only based on the predicted status the individual will get if he/she joins the job. People who do those things are also generally socially active people.
Fringe benefits are extra benefits recieved by employees other than wages, such as bonuses, free life insurance, free uniforms, free water, free transportation, etc. If someone does his work well but gets neither a fringe benefit nor a raise, that individual may become bored with the job as it seems pointless to work tirelessly for the same amount of wage that is constantly decreasing in value as the economy is inflating slowly.
Work flexibility is about an employee and an employer making changes to when, where and how a person will work to better meet individual and business needs. If someone would work somewhere far from where he sleeps, and constantly get shouted at because the are coming late everyday, he or she won't be guaranteed to stay in the job for a long time. Generally, being a president director, or a position similar to it, have the advantage of easily moving the time or date of meetings and thus providing a greater work flexibility.
Besides job security, people also generally want a higher chance of getting a promotion. This one is quite similar to the factor of fringe benefits- employees can get bored if they always work but still gets the same amount of wages and may become irritated if the employer never promote him/her after a very long time of jobs being done very well.
In conclusion, my opinion is that wage can be a main factor in deciding which job will be taken by the decider, but to some individuals, wages are a secondary factor.
-Ivan Alexander, 8A
As we know generally, wages are the some amount of money that the workers received every particular time. Wages are given in different amount between the workers. The system of wages payment are different in every company, there are some company that measure the wages based on the worker productivity and also there are some company who's give constant wages to the worker without affected by the productivity of the worker. There are also different payment time of wages, there are some companies who're giving wages daily, monthly, and also hourly, in your mind you may think why don't the company pay the wages annually? The answer is because only few people that can manage their wages money for a year long. Paying wages hourly are giving more advantages to both company and workers because the wages are given based on how many hours they are working, paying wages daily also better than monthly to prevent worker taking too many holiday. Paying worker based on the workers's productivity is giving more advantages because that method can increase the productivity of the workers.
ReplyDeleteWell, as we know before there are 3 types of worker generally, skilled, unskilled, and semi-skilled workers. Generally, skilled workers are pay more than unskilled workers and semi-skilled workers, and semi-skilled workers are pay more than unskilled workers. In each type of workers like for example between skilled worker the wages given are also different if working in different companies. For most people in general, they will choose company that give highest salary/wages for them as their work place because as we know in general our wages is our income, and our income determined our live stages or class and determined how much money we can use for spending in order to fulfill our need and want, this happened especially to unskilled and semi-skilled workers. In the past, this statement is almost always correct but how about now?
Against the statement above, based on many sources we can see that the wages that given in small companies are usually larger than the wages given in huge companies because of huge companies need to pay so many workers while the small ones just need to pay few workers. But as we see now, huge companies can easily get workers and sometimes small ones hard to get workers especially skilled workers even though they pay higher wages. Well, it's not happened in the past when people think shortly every time they want to works, they just think about the wages that will be given, if company A pay them higher they will work in company A not in company B even though company A is much more smaller than company B. But nowadays the skilled workers usually think further not just wages, they think about several factors. First, knowledge, with working in huge company skilled workers get more new knowledge that they can use if they want to open their own business in the future for better live, live improvement, and also more income, maybe they can have huge company in the future, huger than the places where they work now. If they are working in small companies they won't improve much and not get many knowledge to built their own company even though they get higher wages but their income will just rise a bit in the future, unlike if they are able to built and manage their own company. So if you are skilled workers that demand much by huge and small company which one will you choose? Knowledge or Wages? If I have opportunity to choose, of course I will choose knowledge because knowledge can make money while money can't make knowledge. Second is prestige, working in huge company give more prestige to the worker rather than if work in small companies, for example, people feel prouder if they work as programmer in Google company rather than in small company even they get less wages in google. Third, friendship, for some people having some good friends in the workplace are needed because they can make the situation much more better rather than if having no or few good friends there. Without friendship we can become bored to work and become depressed as the result. Forth and the last is distance, for some people, they don't want to work in the company that are located very far from place where they live, because it takes time and more transport expenses. But in general only skilled workers have some choice to choose between wages or other factors because they are demanded in huge and small companies.
ReplyDeleteThe conclusion from all the statement above is in GENERAL wages is the most important factor that affecting where the workers want to works, but for some people especially for skilled workers there are some other factors beside wages that become the most important factor affecting them.
Wages usually affect occupation because people need to study hard so they can achieve there goals by achieving it they can have a specialty in some particular job with that they are called skilled worker. A skilled worker is a worker that have education and high responsibility by being a skilled worker many company will hire us and each company will offer different amount of wages so we can receive a job that will provide us with good facilities and high wages and we also need to be responsible with our work, dilligent to what we did, then if the company could increase our wages and we will be a benefit to the company. But unskilled worker also sometimes could earn more wages from skilled worker eventhough unskilled worker has less education because some of them are poor so they can't have a good education. The advantage of having a high wages is we can support our life or our family, the disadvantage is we need to have a hard time before we could get a high wages because we need to have a certificate of college that we have studied and we are a skillled worker then we can work in many companies many people usually want a high wages but the they don't have the quality of working and to get that amount of wages.
ReplyDeleteThe conclusion is that not only wages that affect occupation there are also some factor that is going to affect the occupation.
Robin 8a
Part 2
DeleteWages are the earnings that we got from occupation but not only wages there are some more factor that also affecting occupation. Wages are the money that we earn by divisions of work, we could get more wages if we are specialized in a job which the company admire our work and he could offer a higher amount of wages. The advantage of being a specialisatism is 1. effiecient allocation of resourse 2. increase in productivity 3. We have a high status, the disadvantage are 1. It is boring 2. Difficulty to find a new job if we get fired or we quit from that job 3. Dependance on other is we keep on depending to the same people for everything 4. Monotonous job is repeating the same job again and again.wages determination is the skills and ability of worker, demand for labour, supply dor labour, thee are some factor that affecting labour supply is 1. The increase or decrease of wages rate, job securty, change of promotion,prestige, having a high status, work flexibility, fringe benefit is the benefit which we earn other than salary (bonus), gov't rulers & regulation
The clonclusion is we doesn't need to be a skilled worker to earn a lot of wages but sometimes unskilled worker coild earn more than the skilled worker, many workers want to earn more wages but firms want to offer not really high wages and the firms get a worker that is skilled and would gave a benefit to the firms.
Robin 8a
Wages is the cost of using labor as opposed to cost of using capital or land. As a price of labor, it is subject to the forces of demand and supply in the labor market, which in turn is affected by productivity levels and ability of the employers to substitute labor with other factors of production such as machinery. People go to work to earn wages. They choose between different jobs or occupations depending on how much they can earn and other non-wage factors. Non-wage factors will make some jobs more attractive than others. They included holiday and pension entitlements, promotion prospects, job security and travel to work times.
ReplyDeleteWages influencing the choice of occupation for many individuals. But, its not the main reason for people to choose their occupation. People work to earn money for their living. With higher wages, more people will be attracted to work. Money is able to change an individual life, it can change the economic state of a person, for example, that person is rich or poor. People need money for their living, because they buy their needs and wants with money.
When the wages increase, it affect the specialisation and the division of work. Specialization measure the productivity per unit of time or person. Division of labour is the allocating work in accordance to capability of person or worker. Without wages, there is no specialisation. In this case, there are some advantages and disadvantages of specialisation. The benefits : efficient allocation of resources, productivity increase, and the have higher status. But there are disadvantages also, such as, it will be boring for them to do the same work every morning, it is difficult to find new jobs because they have to find new works with the same type, it’s depend on others because they work together with other divisions, and it is a monotonous job, it means that they are doing the same job again and again. Actually, workers are able to choose which occupation that they’re want to. For example they want to work at the books store, but they will get higher wages if they work in electronic store. So, they are able to choose their occupation.
The demand for labour may rise due to an increase in labour productivity, an increase in consumer demand for goods and services, and a fall in non-wage employment costs paid by employers. The demand for labour may fall due to a fall in the cost of employing capital equipment, a reduction in labour ile the supply of labour may rise due to a rise in the working population, due to more people joining the workforce or inward migration, an improvement in the net advantages of an occupation, for example, if holiday entitlement is increased, and an improved education and training in the skills required for the occupation. The supply of labour may fall due to a decline in the net advantages of an occupation, a fall in the working population, and employees lack a good education or training in skills required for the occupation.
The conclusion is wages influencing the choice of occupation for many individuals. But, its not the main reason for people to choose their occupation. People work to earn wages, to earn money for living. Because we need money to fulfill our needs and wants, to buy our goods and services.
Vienetta Christina / 8A
Basically, wages is the total amount pay by the employer to his or her employee for exchange of the services he or she performed.
ReplyDeleteFirst the main factor influencing the occupation of a person is demand and supply of labour also the skills and the ability of the worker for example if the supply is higher than the demand so less number of people needed for the job, this often happen to unskilled worker like a cleaning service. Also if demand is higher than the supply this can lead to increase in wages, for example in small countries like Singapore there's less population there than here in Indonesia. So demand is higher than supply and the people who work like for jobs like a supervisor of a power plant in Singapore pay more because there's only few people who work in that sector
Other factor influencing the occupation of a person is of course the wage rate, the higher the wage of course many people want to work for that job but often a high paid job need a high education and ability to perform the job well .
Job security also matters. That's means that not everyone want to have a job with a high risk like injury or maybe even death. For example a person who the job is mining for minerals like gold, coal, and other earth minerals. Their job is risky because there may be a falling rock or landslide which can injure or kill them. So not so many people want the job unless like people from that area that were born from a poor family and they didn't go to school. They don't have choice to work beside mining with a high risk .
Chances of promotion also cooperate in factors influencing the occupation of someone. If a person which is working in that company is a hard worker and clever and the company offer the person a promotion to be a manager or the director of the company. that would be the company that people wanted, a high chance of promotion that can make an increase in wage, and to be a manager or the director it will increase the status of the person and there's work flexibility to work as a manager so we have a flexible time and we can manage our time what will I come in to the office and what time I will go home and that is the advantage to be a manager.
Fringe benefit also matters to factor to occupation of someone. For example the company who offers a fringe benefits like a company car, bonus, insurance, and retirement money. This would be the benefit for those who's working for the company.
Government rules and regulation also the factor that influence the occupation of someone. One of the government rules is that people below 15 years old and above 70 years old mustn't work. But if the policies state that people that may work is in range of 13-80 yrs old it may increase the supply of the worker, but the disadvantage is that children that is like 13 yrs old go to work and do not go to the school so they do not increase their level of education so they can't be a manager or scientist in the future they only help their parents and do not get their own wage. That's what happen to some kids in Jakarta that were born in poor family so the parents can't pay they school fee so the parents ask them to work for their family to survive.
Wages is the fixed earning of work that they have done in their job. Wages can be calculated hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. People work to earn wages from the firms who hire them to buy their needs and wants. The wages that they work for is also calculated by the level of task that they work for the firms. If he or she is a skilled worker the wages given by the firm will be higher than the unskilled worker. Firms give wages to workers to supply their labour to produce the goods and services from the firm. Wages that are calculated in a long period of time is called gross wages. Example: A worker is paid for $50 per hour and the worker worked for a total of 40 hours each week, the gross weekly wage is $2000 per week ($50x40hours)
ReplyDeleteWorkers or employees are usually given bonuses to work additional hours. Example: Employees in firm A earn $20 per hour (morning - afternoon), but if they work additional hours at the evening their wages are twice than the normal wages ($40 per hour), but it is not always twice from the normal price, it depends on the firm how much they would give the bonuses to their workers or employees. It is advantages to work additional hours because they could earn more than the normal wages to buy their needs and wants. While it is disadvantages too, they should sacrifice their time working rather than relaxing and resting at their home.
Wages are not the only factor that influences an individual to choose occupation. People also want a safety job which means that they’re job is not risky or dangerous. People also want to work in firms that have chances of getting a promotion which can increase the amount of wages they earn normally. Workers and employees also want to work in a high status, which means that they got all the facilities of their jobs. Example of having a high status: Dentists who receives an individual or closed room are also given tools to check the patient’s teeth. Also individuals want to have fringe benefit, which means that they get an extra benefit of wages from the firms.
Wages is also determined by the capability of a person or worker. It is also determined by the demand and supply of the job. To increase wages, people should be specialized at the job they are doing. The measurement of specialization is productivity, which means to have the power to produce goods or having the quality to be productive. Productivity also means of production per unit of time or person. To be specialized in a job it has both disadvantage and advantages. It is good to be specialized at a job because it is efficient allocation of resources, the productivity rises, and the status is higher than not being specialized. It’s also boring to be specialized in only 1 or 2 things in their job because they are not going to do anything new or exciting. It is also difficult to find new jobs and they need to depend on others which make it hard because if the other that we depend on makes mistakes we will also be wrong.
Many factors influence the choice of occupation which are wages, enviroment of workplace , skills , level of educations , economics situation, location of the workplace , family support , job prospects ,readibility. Wages are important because the higher wages means a lot of people want to try the job. The level of wages depends on the types of job, experience , responsibility , and practices moreover, bonus , subisdy, and loans also affect the decisions to take a job. The types of the job affected by the interest. Enviroment of workplace must be clean, comfortable , safe. The level of educations makes someone can have the better job prospects. Usually someone who has experience and skills is easier locations or distance of the job also influence the choosing of occupation. Because commonly, people choose the job that is closer to their house. To reduce the expenses. The job prospects related with promotions prospects , and higher wages. Economics situation that stable , make more jobs. Family support, people will follow their parents or the decisions of their parents to take a job
ReplyDeleteSome people still thinking that wages are everything. They forgot about the kind of job, securityjob, satisfiying the work , training opportunities and hours of work. Usually these people are people who does not have modern considerations. Many young people who have modern considerations does not think about wages anymore, they think about non-wages factors. What is the non-wages factor? The non-wages factors are: hours of work , distance or time it takes to travel to and from work , fringe benefits , pension and entitlement, working arrangement holiday entitlement , interesting and varie task , and quality of working enviroment. Some people also consider the effect of the job if the effect is bad or not good that people does not want to take the job. This point explains about the principle of their live.
Some examples are a new fresh graduate from accounting department will choose a job from several companies. There is a company offer the highest wages than the others companies, but the hours of work is long , no fringe benefits, boring task (always have the same task). The others company offer the normal wages but it has holiday entitlement, varie task.these new fresh graduate the company that offer a normal wage, why? Because the focus of his desicions is not all about the wages. He does not want overwork untill he does not have time to spend for his family. The boring task also affect his desicions to choose the job. The boring task does not makes these fresh graduate to exprole them selves
In conclusion, now days people more focus in nonwage factor to decide an occupation. Their difference needs and wants makes a difference choise to take a job. We can’t asume or summarylize that non wages factor is the most important factor to choose the occopation, or we can’t asume or summarylize that wages factor is the most important factor too. All of them depends from the person’s wants, needs and principle of their life
People have their own criteria to choose what job they want to do. There are many factors that influence people while choosing a job. These factors are divided into wage factors and non wage factors. Wages are payments for carrying out work. The higher the wage the more attractive the job will look for us as individuals. However high pay jobs often require a lot of training and skill development which can require the supply of qualified applicants. E.g. being a doctor requires a high level of training. However, wages are not the most important factor influencing the choice of occupation for many individuals. There can also be non wage factors that influence us.
ReplyDeleteThe factors to explain wages differentials:
1. Satisfaction in working
This is a very important factor, as someone that has the skills of working in a high paid job can decide in a low paid job that they found more entertaining. This is a very individual choice as it depends on your likes or dislikes.
2. Different abilities and qualification.
Workers do not all have the same education, training, and ability. For ex: an accountant is more skilled worker than cashier. If both workers were paid the same amount, very few people would be willing to undertake the many years of study necessary to become an accountant. Because the training period is so long for some jobs the supply of these particular worker may be very low and as result their wages may be very high.
3. Dirty jobs and unsociable hours.
some jobs are dirty or dangerous and so workers must be paid more in order attract a supply of labor. Some people have to work nights or other unsociable hours and may be paid more to compensate for this. These are called compensating differentials.
4. Lack of information about jobs and wages
sometimes workers work for less than they could earn simply because they do not know about better-paid jobs elsewhere. Lack of information about job availability is one reason for difference in earnings.
Many people decide to work in occupations where there is opportunity for promotion, e.g. you may take a low paid job because to know you can be promoted, which can bring a large number of profits towards the individual. This is known as Career Prospect.
There are also a large variety of other non financial benefits given to employees such as a company car, subsided housing, subsided company products, payments of school fees & These are very beneficial features which could persuade individuals. This is known as Fringe Benefits.
Finally, other types of non wage factors can be length of holidays, which in this case teachers are one of the most beneficent occupations, another benefit can be the location of the job, in this case, the result can vary, depending on how far from the job you live. Job security can guarantee a full security towards the individual, and finally a good pension scheme.
In conclusion, wages are not the only feature that influences the individual for the choice of occupation. There are other non wage factors that also influences this, as explained above.
Wages are the earnings of individuals from doing work. People earn money by working in a certain job. Wages are arguably the most important factors that affect choice of career. The higher the wage of a job, the more applicants will be attracted to that job offer.
ReplyDeletePeople with lower wages have difficulty in satisfying their needs. Sometimes they can’t buy food supply, toiletries, or sanitation needs. Food, clothes and shelter is the most important a person might need. If one of those is missing, then don’t expect the person will survive and live. So yes, people might want to apply to a job with higher wage.
Wage increases should be given by those organizations/employers who can afford them. Applicants know that the richer the company/employer, the higher wage that they will get, for example , A girl wants to apply a job as a maid. She apply to Employer A who will give $15 per month, then another Employer, Employer B also search for a suitable maid, who will give $20 per month. They are both the same job, they both have the same tasks, but they have different wages, one had higher wage, so the girl will want to apply to Employer B.
Supply and Demand labour affect a job’s wage. The labour market conditions or supply and demand forces operate at the national, regional and local levels, and determine organizational wage structure and level.
If the demand for certain skills is high and supply is low, the result is a rise in the price to be paid to these skills. When prolonged and acuter, these labour market pressures probably force most organizations to reclassify hard to fill jobs at a higher level" that suggested by the job evaluation. The other alternative is to pay higher wages if the labour supply is scarce; and lower wages when it is excessive. Similarly, if there is a great demand for labour expertise, wages rise; but if the demand for manpower skill is minimal, the wages will be relatively low. The supply and demand compensation criterion is very closely related to the prevailing pay, comparable wage and on going wage concepts since; in essence, all of these remuneration standards are determined by immediate market forces and factors.
Skill level also affect wage. With the rapid growth of industries business trade, there is shortage of skilled resources. The technological development, automation has been affecting the skill levels at faster rates. Thus the wage levels of skilled employees are constantly changing and an organization has to keep its level up to suit the market needs.
Some applicants might focus on other factors other than wages. Applicants who have low EQ (Emotional Quotient) may want to see his/her co-worker’s personality. For example, a woman get bullied by her co-worker, she immediately resigned to her job and find another job.
Others might also focus on the job’s task. For example, a man wants to become a barber because he likes to work with hair, even though it’s salary is very low. Others also will match their skill with the job’s task, for example a man wants to become a mechanist, because he is very good with his hands and with machines.
Jonathan / 8A
Wages is an important factor we need to consider in choosing our job.But it is not the only factor we need to consider in choosing our occupation.There are some other things like job security,promotion chances,work flexibility,high status,fringe benefits and some other factors.Though I myself would be mostly concerned about the wage of my job.But there are people who wants to have some other things that they think can benefit them more other than wages.For example people who wants a high status in life.They want to be an important person,they want to be a president of a country,a minister and some other jobs with high status.Some other people wants a job in which they can get fringe benefits,benefits you get other than money,for example workers wants to get free uniform for work,free drinks and food at work,free facilities,a new car,a house,and some other things that can benefit them.Some people want their jobs to be secure.Some want promotion chances,they want to work in big companies in which they can be promoted into a higher level and get more money and status and prestige.Some also worries about the government rules and regulations.Maybe their job is illegal,they are afraid of punishments by the government,so they declines the job.Some other factors in choosing a job other than wages are your passion in something,if you like to draw then you would want to be an artist,if you like to teach people then be a teacher,if you want to earn money then be a businessman,if you want to heal people then go be a doctor.People will mostly consider this factors before choosing their job.They won't choose a job they hate doing eventhough they get a lot of salary in doing it.They'd rather do something different,something they like,something they want to do in their life.There are also people who choose their jobs because there's a friend who has the same job in the same company.I would really like having a friend as a co-worker because it would be easy to cooperate with your friend and you will be having less time worrying about finding a friend at work because you already have a close friend or family that works there.But,to me and to most people in this world,your salary is the most important thing that matter in choosing your job.Because what's the whole point of working when you get a low salary,you will go home tired but with no money in your wallet.Also if you have a family you will need a high salary to live,it would be hard for you to feed your family with a low salary.There are a lot of people who quit their jobs because of their low salary.Many people tried to apply to jobs which offers you high salary,most people in this world wants a high salary.Except for people who is as passionate enough to get a job which they like eventhough they receive low salaries.But those kind of people in this age are rare,now they only think about money to live,they wanted to get the most salary as they can.So for me,and for many other people,wages is the most important factor in choosing a job/occupation.