Future Economists

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Monday, August 26, 2013

What are the factors effecting women's choice for occupation?

Grade 8C

 Discuss to what extent non-wage factors are likely to be more important than wage factors in influencing a woman’s choice of occupation.

Time Duration for submitting the Article is 

 August  25th to September 1st, 2013 

 Write your answer here in 500 Words. 

For rubrics please check in 
'Food for thought column on my bog under title Rubrics'


  1. A career woman is a woman who pursues a career to make a living rather than being a housewife and having no occupation outside the house. She is the one whose main priority is to succeed in her career. Most career-minded women are trying to work their way up the career ladder due to the high cost of living. However, there might be other factors affecting their careers, in which some are more important than the high cost of living.

    The Woman Employed site reports that a percentage of 63% women work and 54% work full-time, leaving less time for any other type of outside activities she might enjoy doing better. The above-mentioned career women work very hard in order to reach the top of the career ladder. Even so, career women must take some time off for her family, such as childbirth.

    Childbirth ends when your baby is born, but motherhood lasts forever. Some women may have to pick between parenting and career. Motherhood is often a big problem in a woman’s career life, as a mother would never have enough strength to see their kids grow without her being there.

    Childbirth will lead to a woman’s size of family. The more labor or delivery she does, the bigger the size of her family. It is reported from a study by G. Uswak, A. Uzelman, J. Hodgson, and K. Komiyama that the bigger the size of a woman’s family, the less time she’ll spend on her career.

    In addition to that, a woman would want a balance between their work and social life. She will need to properly prioritize between her careers and her life or stress might keep coming to her. The work-life balance of one will not become as noticeable until she reaches her workforce.

    Also, role models and childhood plays few contributions. Little girls have different hobbies, from dressing a Barbie to playing sports. Her hobbies might be affecting her career life as it is what she likes doing. As an example, a girl that loves dolling up her Barbie might take a fashion as her major.

    But above all, the most common factor that women take as consideration is inequality, discrimination between genders, and gender effects. Although the theory of women being considered less superior to men has been changed, some might still take it seriously, causing several damages to a woman’s career ladder.

    In a career with physical abilities as a dominant aspect, women might have less performance. Hence, this might be causing negative impacts on a woman’s career goals, because if she does work in a field, where she needs to keep up with a man’s physical abilities, she is less likely to be promoted.

    Next factor we’re going to be stopping by is inequality. For some firms, it is still hard to attain equal pay for both male and female workers. It is said that a female college graduate earns 33% less than a male graduate, which may be quite depressive to some particular individuals.

    But even so, money is always needed. It is a commonly accepted means of trade that allows you to buy almost everything you need and want. Again and again, it is mentioned that money is needed to fund all your desirables and necessities. Without cash, you can barely meet your needs and wants.

    Many workers have been working only for the sake of the cash, due to the high cost of living. They know that without an income, they probably would not make it another day of living well. Even though it isn’t the only reason nor the deciding factor when most women make a choice, it is still an important factor that can never be abandoned.

    Even so, all the other factors stated above other than the wage factor might be affecting a woman’s career choice even more greatly. As you can see, all these factors can sometimes mean more to a lady as compared to just the money factor. All these non-wage factors might be affecting her choice in really large extent, because a smart lady knows that money should never be a deciding factor.

  2. Women have increasingly become more involved in the workforce.Occupations of women have changed from traditional female oriented jobs to more non traditional,and previously male oriented careers.Women's choice of occupations are influenced by factors such gender,socioeconomic status,race,parents occupation and education level and parental expectations.

    Gender influences women tended to get lower paying traditional female careers such as administrative support,sales,service,nursing,teaching,social work,and clerical jobs.Their income lagged behind men with comparable education and experience.Income earnings have been found to increase with educational level and years employed.This discrepancy in income was partially attributed to the disparity between traditionally male and traditionally female occupations.For example,women are less likely to be employed in science or engineering jobs,as these are considered traditionally male occupations.Factors narrowing women into traditional role occupations included social and familial influences,an unwelcoming environment in many male dominated fields,discrimination within career fields.

    Socioeconomic status throughout history,working women were seem as unfeminine objects.They were not taken seriously by their bosses,colleagues,or society.Having a career posed challenges for women due to their family responsibilities.Women were expected to perform duties as wife and mother and at the same time to fulfill their professional responsibilities.Because women's work and family demands had a significant impact on woman's careers.They had more difficulties in achieving professional status.

    Race.Results of studies noted that previous research typically found African American women to possess lower career than European American woman although they have the same level of education.

    Occupational status and educational level of parents.The occupation status and education level of females' parents have had a significant impact on their career choice.It has strongly influenced by the mother's occupation.The researches attributed this finding to the fact that mothers exhibit a great presence in many homes.The parents,especially the mother also have plenty of time to motivate their children.

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  4. Career development, for most people, is a lifelong process of engaging work world through choosing among employment opportunities made available to them. Each individual undertaking the process is influenced by many factors. The term of a career woman came into use when women were expected to marry and become housewives after a short period of working.

    It was hypothesized that men’s view play important although often unrecognized in the careers women choose. Women may be influenced by what they believe men think is appropriate female behavior. This supposition is supported by women’s perceptions of male views of the feminine ideal differed significantly depending upon the career group in which they belonged and they perceptions differed according to whether or not they were married. Women in traditionally feminine occupations tended to think men view behavior in a sex-linked way, as appropriately male or female.

    A study of college seniors also supported that choice of occupation is affected by childhood experiences. These occupations were chosen as representing the extremes of person-orientation. It appeared that the farther from the cultural sex stereotype the occupational choice is, the more likely it is that there have been particular pressures in the early histories which have influenced such a choice. The male social workers had more specific and extensive early background pressures than the female social workers. Thus, the occupation itself seems to offer a replacement for earlier wants.

    Many women are choosing motherhood over career, they are focusing on taking care of the children and let the husband go to work and earn money for the family. However, more and more women today are taking their future in their hands by avoiding pregnancy until they’re sure it’s what they choose. Child birth therefore reduces the chances of women to work as they aren’t going to have enough time to have things done both in the house and office. That is why, explains deeper about women delaying marriage and continue with their career instead.

    Work-bound adults are influenced by vastly different social and economic contextual factors in their pursuit of markedly different occupational paths, but face the transition to the workplace in different time frames and with different expectations for career opportunities available to them. Occupational goals are identified by a specific type of employment that drove their skill development and educational attainment. The transition of work-bound therefore was more direct and dependent upon gaining employment that quickly shifted their roles from adolescent to adult, binding them to adult career expectations.

    Another factor can include migration from the rural area to the urban area. The out migration of women appears to be a function of ruralness, which offers limited employment opportunities. Rural women face a conflictual dilemma wanting to remain close to family and friends while believing that employment in urban areas offer more opportunity and income. Some women planned to stay if they could find work and a place to stay in that area. Employment was the key to the decision to stay or go.

    There are many non-wage factors influencing the women’s occupational choice or the choice for their career. It is not definitely true that women work only for wages although the husband gets to work too. Nowadays there are more women who are marrying in an old age, so they do not produce many children in their lifetime. They who are delaying marriage or pregnancy tend to work longer by continuing their career, until they are sure whether or not to marry someone they love.

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  6. Working women are those that choose to occupy a career, rather than staying at home like other women. We know that the main reason people. work is usually for money. These days, the cost of living is getting higher, so it is understood that money remains the number one reason.
    Even though women realises the needs and inportance of financial factors in their explanations of their work, money is not the driving force behind their workforce decisions. In fact, women with greater financial resources are actually the ones who are most.

    According to the Chicago Tribune, 60% of US women works outside home and total earnings of $1 trillion per year in aggregate. Also,
    of working married women, 48% of them provide half or more of the household income. This indicates that the percentage of working women is generally increasing, and their work has a high value in the society.

    However there remains the non wage reasons why women work
    Before getting a career, woman must be educated. Highly educated women are most likely to work; according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 85% of women with postgraduate degrees work, comparec to 80% of college graduates, 68% high school grads, and only 48% of women no higher education than high school.
    Sometimes a woman is given time off from work, due to childbirth etc. Women who work as a physicians and lawyers try to cut their time off because of their need to be present.
    Today, women face competing duties to work and family and neither leaving work nor remaining at work can completely satisfy the work-life balance. They will feel the need to be there with their children and at the same time determination to finish work.
    The majority of both working and non-working mothers report feeling guilt about the work choices they have made, ays the Women Working Research. If everyone felt guilt about work decisions and continuously worried about how decisions are viewed, choosing these decisions as being made for the family, rather than for themselves, may help alleviate this guilt (and defer blame) by indicating women's work decisions are selfless concerned.

  7. The larger the sizes of families decreases the chances of woman to work. They often spend more time with their children or taking care of them.
    Long ago, women have been considered having a lower status to men. The overall beliefs may have changed, but some it still exist in few workplaces. Somehow, there is evidence that women are less likely to be promoted than men. This may also be true for few careers such as firefighting where the abilities which are physical are an important factor of job performance. On this situation, women may be less likely to perform the duties, will be negatively affecting their career goals.

    Women suffering from menopauses such as sweating overnight, lack of energy, and so on. Because of menopauses, women can loose control of their life and can struggle with their work-life. Women working in long ours can cause fatigue.

    Even to this date, there are still several discrimination in this world. Women's wages are paid lower than men's. This can cause frustration to woman supporting their family (especially single mums), being paid less compared to men doing the same job! As women's income goes up, their labour in market participation too!

    So it is concluded that money plays a major role and women wanted to find work that was paid what they considered a fair wage for the work they have done. They also stayed employed when they found are interested to the work, when provided a recognition for accomplishment, allowing to balance work and family life, when they receive recognition and respect that includes the possibility for promotion , and it led to the chances of improving their families' social status.

  8. In this modern era, not only men are the only ones who have to work. Women in these days, chose to have a longer education in their college years. Women that chose to be like that, are mostly the ones who want to work in a company instead of being a housewife. Since the living cost in the city has increased over the years, women are forced to find an occupation to help earn more money for their lives and to help the husband earn more money. Women are sensitive, which means that when they are finding a specific job, they don't rely on the wages too much, but also other things. They want to find a job that appease them in order for them to enjoy the work that they are doing every day. But of course, not all women choose to have an occupation. Some women are more blissful living in their house all day, taking care of the house and their children than working in an office for so many hours. They prefer being a housewife because if working in an office can make them stressed, depressed, devastated if there is problems in the office, or can make them goes lunatic. This may happen due to the earning of low wages. Women work because they want to help their husband earn more wages for their living cost, but they may feel like they aren't helping if they earn low wages. There also wives who loves their children and want to take care of them 24/7. There can also be a reason where there is a couple with no children, and the husband works every day, therefore the wife is disinterested at home with no one and nothing to do, so the wife goes to a common shop and become a unskilled worker. Although it is true that some women who work really hard in the job, usually spend less time with their family. This could affect the family's relationship, therefore not all wives choose to have a job. Another example or reason, is that the husband may not have any job and fancy staying at home taking care of everything. Therefore the wife is forced to be the one who is finding a job. It has been a typical thing that men are the ones who have to work and be the leader of the family, while the wife is the one that takes care of the rest. Therefore the salary in some companies, gives more wages to the men than to the women, because they believe that men does a better job than women does. Although now, not all countries follow that type of rule because women and men have the right to receive the same wages because they all work hard, and it is not fair if women also work hard but receive lower wages. Some women chose to have more children in their family to have a big family. The parents will rely on their children when they are old, meaning that the more kids you have, the more carefree you are to be in your old ages. Because you have more children who will help you have goods and services when you are old, because you raised them. There is also the time of when families move from the city to the suburbs. Usually, in the suburbs, it is a better place to raise children, and there are more motherhoods in that place. Families who move there, the wives will eventually become one of the motherhoods, and the husband will be the one that is depended by the whole family. Overall, there are some women who chose to work hard in their lives because of the tax, living cost, and etc. but there are also some women who chose to live a more relaxing life and become a housewife. Either which, there are always many reasons that explain why they chose to be this particular role.

  9. Some women works with other companies or they make their own business. These women works rather than being a housewife to fulfill their needs and wants. Some of these women are women that had been left by the father. But some of them works because they do not want to have an early marriage so they work by themselves. The example of these women are in Singapore. Most of the women in Singapore work as a businesswoman. However, women cannot be a career woman for their whole life because they also need to have a family and that is the time to be a housewife taking care of their children and let the father work to fulfill the family needs and wants.

    Usually the wage factor will affect every person choice of occupation. With more wage, the worker’s life will be better and their needs and wants will be fulfilled. However, rather than the wage factor, the non-wage factor will affect a woman’s choice of occupation more. Increasing wage will not affect a woman to move to that job. Usually, women will work in a place where their safeness is guaranteed. These is because women are weaker than men that make them want to work in a safer place. Women will not take risky job. Women prefer safer job with low wage rather than a risky job with high wage.
    The work that fit women mainly is factory workers. The women only need to do her job inside the factory and it is safe. It will be better when the firm makes a rule that protect the women from any harm and persecution. The other factor is that there are differences in skin colour, religion, etc. With a non-wage factor that says anyone can work will increase a woman’s choice in choosing that job because some women are treated lower than others. With an extent in non-wage factor, women will feel comfortable in doing the job.

    The conclusion is that women’s choice of occupation is affected more by non-wage factors than the wage factor because of some reason.

  10. Women are not like men, they can't work all of the jobs, they only work the jobs they want, for example some of them don't want to work a job that involves physical abilities, because the first,they are not as strong as man. Second, some of them are lazy or something else. For example they don't want to work as constructor, or security guard or boxer. They want more as director or CEO or manager or anything else that are in office. But, there are many factors that affecting their wants to. Some of the factors are transport, environment, family or friends, wages and satisfaction, and many more.

    The first is transport. Women want to have a job that easy to get there or near her house. For example: if the place is far (2-5km) but its easy to get there like: 3 bus stops so maybe its ok for them. But, if the place is near her house they will be really happy.if not their family or someone else have to drive for them.

    The second one is environment. Environment could be is there any food that they can eat in the break or is the place have any other women. Woman don't want to have a job that most of them are man. They want to have a job that half of them are women or even most of them are woman and they want to know whether the people in the environment is good or not.

    The third is family and friends. They want to have a job that have their family or their friends that already work there before them. Because some of the women want to have a friend or family first even before they work there.

    The forth is wages and satisfaction. Women want to know first whether the wages is good or not. They want to know do they can be promoted or not, or do the company give her insurance or not, or will you get bonus if you work hard or not. Everyone want to be promoted, so we will be in higher position, if you are in higher position you can get more money. Insurance, everyone want the cost of go to the doctor is paid and if you are a hard worker so better you work in a place that give bonus, because bonus is only given to people who work hard.

    So the conclusion is that women want to have a job that they can or like. They can't work in a place that have bad environment and etc.

  11. Woman can work also . But in some countries that has strict regulations such as Saudi Arabia , who prevent women from working even studying . But there is also some reason .

    First reason is about rules and regulations about education in some countries. For some part countries such as Saudi Arabia , Afghanistan , Africa , and Pakistan , they didn't allow women to go to school . In Afghanistan , some boys throw acids to the girls face to prevent them for getting education . Some parts of Pakistan are heavily influenced by organization such as Taliban that have banned women's education . Without education , they cannot work .

    The second one is about Family . Many husbands tends to work for the family and sets the wives to take care of the children . Also , in some advance countries , they will get the opportunity to become the leader of their parents company as their heir ( if it is a women ) .

    Third one is about economically reasons . For example , a poor family chooses the son to go to school rather than their daughter because they believe that the son can be their future generation leader . Also some poor women cannot go to school because they are to poor to buy transportation and school . Without school they can't work . And in some poor countries woman tends to give birth rather than to work to provide kids , whom to provide labor at farms .

    Fourth one is about environment . Many women is more hygiene then men . Many of them didn't one to work in dirty jobs such as a farmer , gardener , etc.

    Fifth one is about education . Some well educated women can achieve high positions in carrier such as CEO , manager , even Presidents ! That is because they had such degrees in educations like PhD , MBA , MM , etc. But uneducated women cannot achieve such high positions . They can only do jobs like odd jobs , willing to travel , fruit picker , or even didn't go to work . So without educations women also cannot go to work .

    Sixth one is about demand . Some firms tends to apply men to work rather than women because they believe men is stronger than women , so it is rarely to see women that achieve high positions like CEOs , Political Party leader , even Presidents . Because , USA never had a women president in the history .

    Conclusion is that some woman can work , some women can't . Some woman can achieve high positions , but some women can't . Thank You

  12. Most of the time, there are more men working than women. Some of the women want to have a job because she may need something else to do rather than being a house wive and need to have a life outside the house. These are the non-wage factor that affect their choices.
    Some of the women will want to have a child. When they have a child, they will need to focus their time to help and raise the child. They will not have enough time to do both so they need to choose an option whether to raise their child or to occupy a job.
    They will also be more picky on their jobs. They won't want to do physical jobs like security guards unlike men. This also means they don't want to walk a long distance to work. They will not want to work in an environment that doesn't suit them like in a mineshaft.
    Women don't have the physical ability of men so they will have less job openings. If they don't get a job they would much rather raise a family and spend time with them. Women are not gonna complete most of the requirements to apply most of the jobs men do
    The most common and important one is discrimination. Some people think that men perform a better task then women and that women are useless. Although most people ignore this theory, it is still being used today.
    Some of the firms may not like women to work for them. This is because they don't think that they have enough capability as men do to complete the job they want them to do. Firms also need to balance out the pay for men and women but most women earn less than men.
    These are all the factor that affects a women's decision to apply for a job. The women will need to do the job because the cost of living is too high. If they don't apply a job, they may not be able to raise their children and support their family

    1. Women are the ones who usually stay at home. They're not the ones who are working. But nowadays women are working. And of course, they have to think of the non-wages factors. Especially if they have children.
      Non-wages factors are very important to women as it's not that easy to choose occupations which arent very easy to do.
      Man are very well in working, different with women that arent. Women are destined to be at home.
      Most women that are working are those who arent able to have children.
      If they have child, they have to focus on their child and wont have time to work. Some women that have child or even children still work. But sometimes they failed in educating their children. Why? Because they dont have time for their children.
      Distance and transportations affect most in choosing women's occupation. If the place they work is very far, they wont work there. Because its dangerous. Especially for those who dont have cars, or they want to drive their car by themselves.
      But on the other hand, wages would also affect. If their hard work is not worth it, why do they need to work there?

  13. Women are not use to have an occupation, they just have to spend their days at home doing the house actviities and taking care of children. But nowdays, women have occupation but there are some reasons that may cause a women to work.
    Some women work ti make them happy, for some women only by having an occupation, t can makes them happy because maybe they don’t have any friends to chat with, their children are old enough and have their own family, or that women are a kind of women that easily got bored because they don’t have activities during their daily life.
    Some women also work to fulfill the family’s daily needs, which means that women work to help their husband to earn wages because maybe some families can’t fulfill their needs only from the wages the husband earn maybe because of large number of family member they have or maybe because the hsband didn’t got a large amount ofwages because he is not included in a skilled worker.
    But if women wanted to work they also must think of their family because actually the main job of women is to taking care of their children and house. For some women they just think just to have a maid that can take care of their house and children so they can work in a full-time job and they can earn more salary but for some women they may also work in a part-time job because maybe they still want to have a time to take caretheir children and they don’t want to have a maids because by having a maid it can increase the family’s spending and they think it is better to save money ratherthan spend the money.
    Occupations that women usually work at are requistered nurses for 92%, meeting and convention planners for 83.3%, elementary and middle school teachers for 81.9%, tax examiners, collectors, and revenue agents for 73.8%, medical and health services managers for 69.5%, social and community service managers for 69.4%, psychologists for 68.8%, business operations specialists for 68.4%, human resources managers for 66.8%, and financial specialists for 66.6%.
    There are 2 types of factors that may influence women in coosing their job. There are wages and non-wages factor, wages fator influence the wages they got while non wages factor are factor that may affect the women descicions in choosing the occupation they wanted to be.
    The factors that may affect the women occupations are job satisfaction which means the ability of women at that job, type of work which means what type of work did the women got, if they got the type of work that they like they will be happier in doing their job, workind conditions which means the environment ofthe job, if the other worker and bss are kind women will be very happy at that type of occupation, working hour which means women need time also to take care their children so they will choose an occupation that have a suitable working hour with them, the more holidays women got in that compnay, the more the women wanted to wor at that company because it means that they can earn money but they also have time to spend with their families, pension and fringe benefits may also cause the the descisions of women to work because if they got pension and fringe benefit they can got a larger amount of money, job security which means are the job secure enough for them, career prospects which means is it easy to have proportions and training at that company, the size of the firm if the firm are big, the firm will have many worker which means women can have many frineds, and of course a better wuality of building and facilities at that building will also better, and the location of the firm may also cause a women to choose that job because if the distance from their house to the firm are near, it will be more suitable for them because they can gohome fastly.
    Conclusions, thefactor above thet i have stated can beone of reason why a women wanted to have an occupation but a woman may also don’t have a job because maybe their family’s daily needs have fulfilled, they wanted to take care of theirchildren and house by their own..

  14. Some women think that the non-wage factors are more important than the wage factors. Because some women wants more holiday to have more time with their family. There are some more reasons why women think that non wage factors are more important than the wage-factors while men think that wage factors are more important than the non-wage factors.

    Now I will discuss some more reasons why women think that non wage factors is more important than the wage factors. The first reason is that women needs more time to take care of their children at home so they need earlier dismissed jobs. The second reason is also they want to get the pension funds to support their family lives if their husband is not working or their husband has already passed away. The third reason is also about the insurance. Some company or firms give life insurance for one family like BCA company. My auntie works there, her family gets life insurance, her daughter gets sick last year and the company pays all the hospital bill of her daughter. There are also some reasons that can make women get stressful in the job, for example the distance from their house to the place where they work and also the distance from they work to house. Another example is also about the task that is given by the companies, is it is much but interesting, maybe they do not get stressful but if the task is very many and it is not interesting at all, then it is a big problem for them. An example of interesting task is going to the villages or to the poor people to donate some money for them. The fourth reason is about the quality of working environment, if the working environment near the lake full of trashes, they would not like to work in that place because of the smelly environment. The fifth reason is about how secure the job is, if there are less securities in that company or firms women will fell afraid if there will be any robber or thief who will get in to the firm or company to stole their things or the firms money or the thieves are going to kidnap them or even going to kill them. Another reason is about the training opportunities, they want some training in order to get promotion and get a higher wage.

    The conclusion is that some women think that the non wage factor is more important than the wage factors but there are also some women that think wage factors is more important than the non wage factors.

  15. women in the old days doesn't go to work they just stay at home and be a housewife and do the typical housewife things such as clening the laundry,take care of their children and etc. but now women is turning into a career woman for several reasons such as

    first reason: the income from his husband doesn't fullfill the family needs, because the cost of living is increasing .if only one person is working the salary isn't enough to feed the family

    the second reason is about goverment policies :back in the old days of indonesia wome werent allowed to work and get eduactaion and because of that they have no choice but to stay at home and do the housewife task because the goverment think that women were incapable of working like men does

    the third reason is about the enviroment : women wont like working in an uncomfortable enviroment and if the enviroment is uncomfortable for any reason the women would change her job of choice.

  16. Occupational choices are criticized for being more predictive for men than woman. Research shown clearly that more men labor than women. Men are more likely to get more wage than woman. Men are also more likely to receive a high promotion or position and a higher responsibility for the job. Some women have reasons that are more important to them aside wages to determine the job they wanted other than men factors, which acts wage as the main factor. Some women will not work and stay at home, or continuing on their education, but some are willing to work and earn money.

    When a woman picks a job, she’ll think of her family. If that woman has a kid, she would want to stay at home and take care of her children rather than sending someone to take care of her children. Because a mother loves their children so much. Most women on earth refers to become a housewife because they wanted to accompany and take care of their children. Since a father is a leader of a family, he is the one who should be collecting money for the family, therefore, it is fine for a woman stays at home and become a housewife.

    Environment is a big factor for a women to pick a job. Bad environment in a workplace are like bad socialism, air quality, noises, racism, etc. Women will clearly want a job where she can communicate with other women. They will want to work with people that has good attitude. Rather than, it would not be safer if a woman works in a place where almost all people are people with bad attitude. Hours of work is one factor for a women to choose a selection of a job. Because a mother also needs to take care of their children and also manage the house. It also includes as distance to work, if the work location is near the house, she will be able to go home faster.

    Satisfaction is a non-wage factor of a selection of job for both men and women. It is better to earn money by doing something we’re good at and something we enjoy. If a women picks something she likes to do as a job, she’ll work more devotedly than other job. Women will want to do something she likes to do that acts as a passion or a hobby. For example a women wanted to become a kindergarten or a nursery teacher because she feels that it is fun to play around and educate with kids.

    Job security is one major factor for woman to choose a selection of job. Women are really concerned about their safety in a job. A woman will not work in very dangerous jobs unless there is no other choice or that woman must earn much money. Dangerous jobs for women are like soldiers. Some soldiers are woman. In past years, women are send to battle in the civil war. Probably by taking the risk for woman to become a soldier, will result becoming more dangerous but will also probably result them to gain more wage.

    My conclusion is that women takes non-wage factors for a selection of job more important than the wage factor, and men acts wage as more important and they are more likely to work than woman.

    Kevin 8C

  17. Working woman, single or married woman would have different factors of considerations. Single woman would typically strive to achieve success in her career or profession. Married woman would instead have different factors influencing a woman’s choice of occupation such as long maternity leave, job security, and working in a job that is of interest to her working in a financially healthy, growing and good management company and based on their interest of job.

    For married woman, especially those in child-bearing years, would likely choose a company which will provide long maternity leave. As it would give them time prior to delivering baby and spend some time with the newly-born baby before resuming her work again. It would be perfect for the mother if the company also provide a day care center in the building as the mother can peacefully work knowing that the baby is nearby and is taken care of.

    Married woman tend to choose to work in a financially healthy, and growing company with and good management. They are at the stage in life where they prefer job security over others. Single woman, on the other hand, would not mind working for different companies in her pursuit for better career.

    Every woman has her own interest or specialty to do a particular job. Some who are not able to find the right job tends to switch jobs or companies that pay a high wages. Married woman, however, tend to be more stable and have been holding good position and stable job. They would not easily switch jobs or companies for the sake of higher wages.

    Woman may choose higher wages in pursuit of her career, but some woman may have different priorities.

    Monique 8C

  18. Answer:Women’s participation in the labor market has undergone considerable change
    in the last few decades, with more than half of all women and of all married women
    now in the workforce. In addition, starting in the 1980s, the labor market
    qualifications of employed women increased compared to those of employed men.
    And, since the 1960s, both legislation and regulations have prohibited discrimination
    against women in employment and compensation. Although women’s pay relative
    to men’s has increased over time so that today women earn more than 76 cents for
    every dollar earned by men, the persistence of the wage gap despite these changes has
    prompted concern in some quarters about the equity or fairness of the market’s wagesetting process (hence the terms “pay equity” and “fair pay”).
    Studies have estimated that perhaps one-half of the observed wage gap can be
    justified by productivity differences between the sexes (e.g., work experience and
    educational attainment). If women had the same human capital attributes as men,
    they might earn perhaps 80% as much as men. Some believe that the remaining,
    unexplained portion of the wage gap represents discrimination; others, an inability
    to accurately measure and include all factors that affect gender differences in pay.
    “Comparable worth” supporters contend that corrective action is needed because
    discrimination relegates most women to different jobs than men and pays workers in
    female-dominated jobs relatively low wages. A comparable worth policy would
    extend the current mandate of equal pay for equal work to equal pay for equivalent
    work within a firm. Through such means as an unbiased job evaluation, an employer
    would determine those jobs that had equal total scores for such job attributes as skill,
    effort, responsibility, and working conditions. The employer would then raise the
    wages of female-dominated jobs deemed underpaid by the evaluation (i.e., jobs
    having wages below other jobs with the same total scores). In this manner, workers
    would no longer incur a wage penalty for employment in traditionally female jobs.
    Under a comparable worth policy, however, the size of a worker’s paycheck
    would be unrelated to supply/demand conditions in the labor market. Although some
    jobs might be highly rated in a job evaluation, they may not warrant a pay increase
    if there is an abundant supply of workers to perform them. In other words,
    legitimate (nondiscriminatory) pay differentials can exist between jobs equally rated
    by an evaluation. Critics regard the substitution of job evaluations for market
    conditions to determine relative wages as a critical flaw of comparable worth: by
    eliminating wage differentials between “equivalent” male- and female-dominated
    jobs, it would increase unemployment of women in the short run as well as remove
    the strongest motivation for women to overcome discrimination in the long run.
    Comparable worth’s detractors further argue that job evaluation is a very complex
    and subjective procedure, and they question the policy’s effectiveness at raising
    women’s relative wages given compromises about implementation and the potential
    for employer evasion

  19. Men are the one who are used to work. But now, there are also many woman who are having good careers. There are many things that women needs to consider if they want to work. They might consider the wage factors. But it is also important for them to consider non wage factors such as their family, mostly their children, location of work, satisfaction of work, gender pay gap, security and environment of job

    Women must think of their family before choosing job. They should choose between work and their children. Some women are used to spent their time at home doing house works and look after their children. Nowadays, women are having occupations. Working women wants to be successful women in her profession. They might spent more time on work than being at home doing house works. They should choose to spend more time on work or more time on children because it is hard to divide her time equally.

    In many countries, some women are paid less than men even though they are doing the same job. This is because the companies are under evaluating women's work. Women tends to have difficulties between work time and private life than men. The company might also consider this thing. Even though the gap has narrowed, there is still wage gap that can't be explain.

    Another factor that might be considered is job satisfaction. It could be influence by the workers' ability to complete a task.They would work better if they like the job. The result of their work will be more sufficient. Rather than doing the job that they don't like, they will work on something they like even though they received low wages.

    Location of work could also affect on women choice of occupation. If the location is too far from their place of living, it would take a long time and it is also tiring. when the location is far, traffic jam could happen. This could take more time for them to go to work. Women would also have less time on their family because the far distance between place of work and their house.

    Security of job have to be considered. They wouldn't work in a place if it is dangerous, such as many robbers or thieves. Environment of job also affects women choice of occupation. They don't want to work if the place is unhealthy. For example if the company is bad for their respiration.

    As the conclusion, there are many non wage factors that affects women choice of careers. Factors stated above are really important to be considered. Women doesn't always work for money. They would also think of their children for every job they are working.

    Charlotte 8C
